Continuing to celebrate the festive Halloween season, Dion and contributor J. Blake are back with part two of their hugely insightful Side Cast on Horror Movie Remakes. They jump right back into the in’s and out’s of the genre, and see how their favorite modern intrepretations stack up to the classics and why. So grab a pen and paper (or you dang […]
Posts Tagged ‘Gregory Peck’
Side-Cast: Horror Remakes Part 2
Posted: 30th October 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Film Review, Podcast, Side-CastsTags: Betty Davis, Black Christmas, Bruce Campbell, Cape Fear, Carrie, Dawn of the Dead, Devil's Rain, Disney, Elijah Wood, Ennio Morricone,, Frankenstein, Fright Night, Gregory Peck, Howard Hawks, I Am Legend, Invaders From Mars, Irreversible, Joe Spinell, John Carpenter, John Frankenheimer, Ju-on, Julianne Moore, Let Me In, Let the Right One In, Maniac, Martyrs, Michael Mann, Mirrors, Mystery of the Wax Museum, Nightmare on Elm Street, Nightshift, Omega Man, Piranha, Piranha 3D, Piranha 3DD, Poltergeist, Psycho, Ray Harryhausen, Richard Matheson, Sam Raimi, Scarface, Scream Factory, Shelley Long, Shutter, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Steven Spielberg, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, The Amityville Horror, The Astronaut's Wife, The Black Hole, The Blob, The Cat People, The Devil and Max Devin, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead II, The Exorcist, The Eye, The Fly, The Fog, The Grudge, The House of Wax, The Last Man on Earth, The Manchurian Candidate, The Mummy, The Omen, The Orphanage, The Ring, The Thing, The Thing From Another World, The Toolbox Murders, The Watcher in the Woods, The Wolfman, Tobe Hooper, Troll Hunter, Vincent Price, World War Z
How the Remakes Stack Up- Part 1: Cape Fear
Posted: 27th September 2012 by Dion in Film, Film ReviewTags: Alfred Hitchcock, Bernard Hermann, Cape Fear, Charles Laughton, Elmer Berstein, Gregory Peck, Illeana Douglas, J. Lee Thompson, Jessica Lange, Juliette Lewis, Martin Balsam, Martin Scorsese, Remakes, Robert DeNiro, Robert Mitchum, Telly Savalas, The Night of the Hunter, Torn Curtain
With Halloween just around the corner, my wife and I are starting our annual horror festival, where we watch a bunch of scary movies to usher in October 31st (we tend to do this for a lot of the holidays, which can be a boat-load of fun!). But this got me thinking- there are a ton, and […]
Facing Childhood Fears: Revisiting John Carpenter’s Assault on Precinct 13
Posted: 21st September 2012 by Dion in Film, Film ReviewTags: Assault on Precinct 13, George C Scott, George Romero, Gregory Peck, Halloween, Howard Hawks, John Carpenter, Kim Richards, Night of the Living Dead, Quentin Tarantino, Rage, Rio Bravo, Sorcerer, The Boys From Brazil, The Fog, The Last Man on Earth, The Thing, Vincent Price, William Friedkin
It’s interesting what images stay with you from childhood, still crisp as the day they were viewed. I know like most kids growing up, in what sadly seems already like another time, I was exposed to a lot of television and film at a very early age, which made me into what I am today […]