‘Tis a tale of spirits and spooks this week. The lads wrestle about horror films and aliases, while dodging MI5 secret agents and contract killers. Yep, they’ll all need afternoon naps after this one…
Posts Tagged ‘Michael Myers’
“What’s in a Name?“
Posted: 27th October 2012 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Albert Brooks, Alien, Bob Hope, Boris Karloff, Cary Grant, Charlton Heston, Cher, Dean Martin, Diana Rigg, Doris Day, Gene Wilder, Groucho Marx, H.P. Lovecraft, Halloween, Harry Houdini, Harvey Keital, Ice T, James Bond, Jamie Foxx, John Denver, John Wayne, Jon Stewart, Judy Garland, Martin Sheen, Michael Caine, Michael Myers, Natalie Wood, Reanimator, Roger Moore, Rogert Ebert, Sean Connery, Skyfall, Star Trek, The Avengers, Timothy Dalton, William Shatner, Winona Ryder, Woody Allen