Archive for February, 2013

Borgnine Night XXI

Posted: 24th February 2013 by Dion in Ernest Borgnine, News
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Like it does every third Wednesday in February, Tortilla Flats hosted its awesomely fun Borgnine Night, celebrating the great Ernest Borgnine. Sadly this 21st installment was the first year without the beloved muse of the Podwits, as Mr. B passed away last July at the young age of 95. But the celebration and all the fun and […]

The boys are back with another special edition of The Podwits Podcast. This week it’s part two of our cartoons special, focusing on the changing era of animation from the 1960-90’s. This time around they chat about all the old cartoons they grew up with and loved as children. Come take a stroll down Memory Lane to […]

Angus MacGyver is back for three webisodes!  In MacGyver and the New Citan, Mac is up to his nose in another adventure, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz, who with the help of our beloved hero, helps promote the company’s new Citan, which they bill as “the perfect tool for every job.”

Brian is back from the doctor’s, and boy is he piping mad! (Who knew he had a crew of trolls to dig him out of snowmageddon?!) With Brian tipsy off of Scottish ale, J and Dion jockey positions in settling the old boy down as he rants about the incredibly stupid Games Workshop’s attempt to […]

This week The Podwits are podcasting minus one!  Brian’s out sick with a note from the doctor, leaving Dion and J. to run the store for a week!  You think you know movies?  You haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen their half-as-good foreign remakes!  And not all remakes are foreign as J and Dion recount […]

…in which Brian thinks this editorial makes some good points about serialized storytelling, J is outraged over the need for this website, and Dion wants everyone to take the Podwits Challenge! Yep, the ‘Wits got issues, and conspiracy theories, and neuroses to spare. You can’t beat ’em, so come join ’em in this latest Podwits Podcast! […]