Archive for the ‘Science Fiction’ Category

Has it been a week already?! Well the boys are in the galley cooking up a brand new, steaming edition of The Podwits Podcast! Dion regroups with J. Marcus on what he missed last week and adds his two-cents regarding spy music themes and Disney only using the David Tennant years in rerun. That leads to a […]

The Wits’ of Pod are back again for another exciting, riveting and enthralling episode of The Podwits Podcast! Brian Zino, J. Marcus and Dion Baia take a trip down memory lane with cable vs. the old school antenna, before they disseminate the new look and presentation of Television networks and if their names truly still reflect […]

The boys are all back together for an ALL-NEW, right-off-the-assembly-line-edition of the one, the original, Podwits Podcast! They chat this week about their various jet-setting, before getting into topics that hit closer to home, like the loss of fantasy author Sir Terry Pratchett, the recent passing of Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek producer Harve Bennett, and we embrace or even […]

Well what else can be said about this week’s all new installment of The Podwits Podcast except that it is EPIC… We hear how J. Marcus and Dion first met Brian on the Coney Island boardwalk; Beer connoisseur Brian lambasts Guinness’ new Blonde Lager and praises this week’s choice drink; Dion vents about the news that Operation […]

Please pay a visit to our latest Podwits venture, Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! Dion Baia and J. Blake of the Podwits fame highlight films from their youth that would have typically been rented for a weekend sleepover by you and your friends. A new movie may be thrown into the mix to spice it up, but cult […]

Strap yourselves in for another breathtaking episode of The Podwits Podcast!  Dion and J. explore the Final Frontier in search of the truths behind one of the most popular television shows ever made — all the while, J. breaks all sorts of land/speed records by taking almost an hour to explain one of the most devastating things […]

The ‘Wits of Pod are all over the place this week! Brian lays out his new exercise regiment, utilizing The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan, before they dash into the highly recommended documentary about the BBC series Sherlock entitled Unlocking Sherlock. Then the lads get into a spirited discussion about VFX pioneer and filmmaker Douglas Trumbull‘s new […]

J. Marcus gives Dion his immediate reactions to the appearance of the 12th Doctor in last week’s Doctor Who Season Debut, not mincing words or pulling punches. Has watching it a half a dozen times on the DVR and seeing it in the cinema changed his mind? Then the back-end of the ‘cast is filled […]

The wits of Pod have the band back together and it feels so good… Brian praises Guardians of the Galaxy ; Dion casts his doubts about the new reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that hits theaters this weekend; and J.- well he does his best not to evoke that name which is not to be mentioned… […]

In this very, very, very special episode of The Podwits Podcast the boys talk about seeing ‘horror’ in their youth, and more specifically, horrifying images in places that you wouldn’t normally expect to see it- like in Disney movies or on the BBC via PBS in America… (and what the heck was up with Disney’s dark side […]