Archive for the ‘Best of’ Category

(Originally Aired April 2014) The Podwits have a VERY special edition of the podcast this week, with AM 331’s own Yorkshire Girl in studio to expound on anything and everything that matters… And what does the lovely lady have on her mind? Horror movies; the amazing sub-subgenre that is the 1970’s TV movie; the love for […]

(This cast originally aired the 18th of February, 2012.) The Podwits take the show on the road and record LIVE from the 20th annual “Borgnine Night” at the legendary Tortilla Flats in New York City! The proprietor of the bar, Andy, sits down and discusses the history of “Borgnine Night” and the cult status it […]

No new podcast this week, folks.  Due to technical difficulties beyond our control, The Podwits can’t serve up a new cast this time.  HOWEVER, we’re happy to bring you back one of the tried and true audio delights from our past! Set the Time Circuits to November 2012… Disney just bought Lucas, and the Podwits […]

The Podwits themselves are god-knows-where, celebrating whatever bizarre holidays that get celebrated ’round this time of year in Podwits-land. It’s probably best we don’t ask too many questions about that. But while they’re away, here for your holiday listening enjoyment is one of our favorite podcasts from the past, our second cartoon special from February […]

As the Podwits near their 100th (!) podcast, we thought it’d be fun to look back at one of our favorites of the 1st 99. Enjoy this blast from the past! [Originally released on February 11, 2012] Brian attempts to recount his very entertaining weekend to his fellow Podwits, only to incur the wrath of […]

As the Podwits near their 100th (!) podcast, we thought it’d be fun to look back at one of our favorites of the 1st 99. Enjoy this blast from the past! [Originally released on June 2, 2012] Now that the three wits-of-the-pod have finally seen The Avengers film (Dion!), this week the gang tackles the long-debated question: “who the […]