LOVE… HATE… EXCITEMENT… REVULSION… DESIRE… EMPTINESS… THIS WEEK… TWO PODWITS… GO ON A JOURNEY… THAT WILL LEAVE YOU BREATHLESS! The Podwits Podcast Two men travel the Internet. What will they find? Enlightenment? Heartache? A senses-shattering podcast you’ll have to hear to believe! The Podwits Podcast, playing now on PODWITS.COM, iTunes, PodDroid and an mp3 player […]
Posts Tagged ‘Superman: The Movie’
Trailing The Teasers
Posted: 6th December 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Film, PodcastTags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Lucas, James Cameron, JJ Abrams, Jurassic World, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Star Wars, Superman: The Movie, Terminator, Terminator Genisys
A Higher Quality of Foot Prophylactic
Posted: 15th December 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Agents of Shield, Almost Human, Blockbuster Video, Eddie Izzard, Edgar Wright, Ernest P. Worrell, Fuller's ESB, Goose Island Honker's Ale, iPotty, JIm Varney, Lady Gaga, Man of Steel, Miley Cyrus, MTV, Muppets, Netflix, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Spaced, Superman: The Movie
The cold weather is seeping into the Podwits’ bones, as the boys do their best impression of grumpy old men. They’ve decided that the Lady Gaga & The Muppets Holiday Spectacular, the iPotty and MTV all basically add up to the impending end of Western civilization as we know it. Whether you agree with ’em […]
[A Podwits Classic!] They’re Rebels and They’ll Never Ever Be Any Good
Posted: 30th June 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Best of, PodcastTags: ALA, Battleship, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brian Michael Bendis, Errol Flynn, Frankenstein, Independence Day, Madonna, Scarlet, Shakespeare, Superman: The Movie, The Avengers, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Archives
As the Podwits near their 100th (!) podcast, we thought it’d be fun to look back at one of our favorites of the 1st 99. Enjoy this blast from the past! [Originally released on February 11, 2012] Brian attempts to recount his very entertaining weekend to his fellow Podwits, only to incur the wrath of […]

[A Podwits Classic!] Rebuilding in a Superhero World
Posted: 15th June 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Best of, PodcastTags: Alien, Aliens, Ernest Borgnine, Godzilla, Prometheus, Ridley Scott, Spider-Man, Superman: The Movie, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, The Great Gatsby, X-Men
As the Podwits near their 100th (!) podcast, we thought it’d be fun to look back at one of our favorites of the 1st 99. Enjoy this blast from the past! [Originally released on June 2, 2012] Now that the three wits-of-the-pod have finally seen The Avengers film (Dion!), this week the gang tackles the long-debated question: “who the […]
Rebuilding in a Superhero World
Posted: 2nd June 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, Film, PodcastTags: Alien, Aliens, Ernest Borgnine, Godzilla, Prometheus, Ridley Scott, Spider-Man, Superman: The Movie, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, The Great Gatsby, X-Men
Now that the three wits-of-the-pod have finally seen The Avengers film (Dion!), this week the gang tackles the long-debated question: “who the heck is going to pay for all this (damage) when a superhero battle lays waste to an entire city?!?!” The pros and cons are debated, the lads discuss the Prometheus trailer and the […]
They’re Rebels and They’ll Never Ever Be Any Good
Posted: 11th February 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, Film, PodcastTags: ALA, Battleship, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brian Michael Bendis, Errol Flynn, Frankenstein, Independence Day, Madonna, Scarlet, Shakespeare, Superman: The Movie, The Avengers, Turner Classic Movies, Warner Archives
Brian attempts to recount his very entertaining weekend to his fellow Podwits, only to incur the wrath of J. (JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!) and the discombobulation of Dion. Chaos ensues… the fun kind! Also, the Podwits have at a controversial recommendation by the American Library Association (damn librarians…). Yes, it’s another barely controllable episode of THE PODWITS!