Well the Podwits rip their topics right from the headlines this week! After one of our beloved Wits of Pod confesses to a horrible invasion of the vicious Bedbug some years ago, they take listener’s Twitter questions on the subject, before they move on to the uproar surrounding the casting of Ridley Scott‘s Exodus:Gods and Kings […]
Archive for the ‘Christmas’ Category
Living It Up In A.C.
Posted: 20th December 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Christmas, Electronics, Film, History, News, Podcast, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Atlantic City, Bed Bugs, Bill Cosby, Exodus: Gods and Kings, Ridley Scott, Sony Pictures, The Interview, UVA
Back when the MUPPETS were Great: A Merry Christmas From The Muppets
Posted: 23rd December 2013 by Dion in Christmas, Television, The Muppets, UncategorizedTags: Christmas, Disney, Fraggle Rock, Jim Henson, Lady Gaga, Sesame Street, The Muppet Movie, The Muppets
(After watching the horrible 2013 Muppet Special entitled Lady Gaga & The Muppets’ Holiday Spectacular, I wanted to republish an article that ran on Podwits.com in 2011 about one of the best Christmas Specials of all time, the 1987 A Muppet Family Christmas. This may have been the last great thing Mr. Henson put out before […]
“Tell Me a Story & Tell it Competently…”
Posted: 21st December 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Christmas, Film, Film Review, PodcastTags: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Batman, Batman: The Animated Series, Bill Cosby, Christopher Lee, Christopher Reeve, Dark Shadows, David Chase, DC Comics, Dick Tracy, Hammer Films, James Mason, Kevin Costner, Kolchak, Lost, Man of Steel, Michael Shannon, Olan Soule, Open Range, Our Gang, Peter Cushing, Peter Lorre, Richard Donner, Spiderman, Star Trek Intro Darkness, Superman, The Daly Show, The Little Rascals, The Postman, The Sopranos, The Walking Dead, Tim Burton, Tim Daly, Waterworld
The Podwits are sailing to new heights, literally this week. Dion single-handedly recasts Man of Steel as a Hammer Film, going as far as getting Peter Lorre on loan from Roger Corman, while Brian lets us in on his waning interest in Season 4 of The Walking Dead and its colossal mid-season finale. It’s a literal laugh-out-loud edition of […]

A Merry Side-Cast Christmas
Posted: 18th December 2013 by Dion in Cartoons, Celebrities, Christmas, Film, History, News, Podcast, Side-Casts, Television, The Muppets, Up on The Soap BoxTags: A Charlie Brown Christmas, A Christmas Story, A Christmas Story 2, A Muppet Family Christmas, A Very Brady Christmas, Buster and Chauncey's Silent Night, Cheers, Child's Play, Christmas, Coronation Street, East Enders, Father Christmas, Gene Autry, Good Times, Hanukkah, Holiday Affair, It's A Living, Jehovah's Witness, Jingle all the Way, John Carpenter, Krampus, Miracle on 34th St., National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Neighbors, Patrick Stewart, Perfect Strangers, Phil Hartman, Railroad Alaska, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Snoopy, Star Wars Christmas Special, T.I.G.F., Thanksgiving, The Brady Bunch, The Muppets, The Thing, Tom Akins, Twas The Night Before Christmas, Whittier Alaska, Zombies
Dion and contributor J. Blake are back for what is probably their BIGGEST (and LONGEST) Side Cast yet! After an extended intro of probably the duo’s worst college drinking story, they ease into the Christmas Spirit by way of Whittier Alaska, the Krampus (Saint Nick‘s long-lost brother), and the posthumously released Phil Hartman animated Christmas movie. Nothing is off […]
A little More UK Christmas TV Magic!
Posted: 17th December 2013 by Yorkshire Girl in Christmas, News, TelevisionTags: Christmas, Coca-cola, Famous Grouse, John Lewis Department, Marks & Spencers, The Snowman
Last week, I shared one of my favorite new British Christmas adverts I saw while home in Leeds, Yorkshire. The Marks & Spencers Christmas ad “Believe in Magic & Sparkle”, was a perfect example of the short little vignettes that English audiences have come to love in the Christmas season.
A little UK Christmas TV Magic!
Posted: 11th December 2013 by Yorkshire Girl in Christmas, News, TelevisionTags: Christmas, Coca-cola, England, Famous Grouse, Helena Bonham Carter, Marks & Spencers, United Kingdom
On a recent trip back home to Leeds, I was excited to see the start of the yearly roll out of the new Christmas adverts. It has become somewhat of a loving tradition which never really seemed to take off here in the States, much like our other custom of the highly-anticipated “Christmas Episode” of our favorite […]
An UnExpected Treat For Christmas
Posted: 20th December 2012 by Dion in ChristmasTags: Art Carney, Audrey Meadows, Christmas, Eddie Hodges, Frances Langford, Jackie Gleason, Joyce Randolph, The Great One, the Honeymooners
For those of you out there in Podwit land who don’t already know, I am a huge Honeymooners fan. TV Guide called it the best sitcom of all time, and I completely agree. Without Jackie Gleason and his quintessential show, we wouldn’t have the modern sitcom; and people who purport that Seinfeld is the best TV show of all […]
Dion Drowned, Brian Died and J. is a Banana
Posted: 1st December 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Christmas, Film, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags: Batman, Christmas, Christopher Nolan, Doritos, holiday foods, Joss Whedon, Justice League, Man of Steel, Porn, pringles, Punisher, The Avengers, XXX, YouTube, Zack Snyder
In this week’s podcast, our boys take one step beyond into the tantalizing world of holiday foods gone wrong. With a brief detour into madness, the wits of Pod once again ask the question, “is Porn truly the greatest example of audience-driven entertainment?” All that plus the latest skinny on the possible Justice League film […]
Oh Fudge… What to Make of the A Christmas Story 2 Trailer…
Posted: 9th September 2012 by Dion in Christmas, Film, Up on The Soap BoxTags: A Christmas Story, A Christmas Story 2, Bob Clark, Daniel Stern, Darren McGavin, Peter Billingsley
I’m really at a loss for words on what to say after viewing the new trailer for the “Official Sequel” to the 1983 classic A Christmas Story. I want to be gung-ho for A Christmas Story 2, but it really seems to be pandering to the fans out there, only trying to capitalize on the glory […]
More Muppets!…Can It Be?
Posted: 25th December 2011 by Tiberius in Christmas, History, Music, Television, The MuppetsThe Muppet love is endless at The Podwits this Christmas! We have uncovered many forgotten Muppet-centric holiday heart-warmers! My final Muppet post is this fantastic rendition of an Emmet Otter song, originally sung by Emmet’s Ma, and later covered in 1979 by the late John Denver and Robin the Frog on the “John Denver and the […]