The boys usher in the New Year with talk of documentaries, and the annoyance of the Documentarian interjecting themselves into the narrative and becoming the central character- is that at all necessary? Then of course, like all good academic conversations, the topic leads to porn and the numbing of the modern mind to the naked image and what […]
Posts Tagged ‘The Muppet Movie’
Too Graphic For a Podcast
Posted: 3rd January 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Film Review, History, Podcast, Sex, Television, The MuppetsTags: Behind the Green Door, Bill Cosby, Connor Baxter, Debbie Does Dallas, Deepthroat, Documentary, Dogtown and Z Boys, Errol Morris, Kai Lenny, Ken Burns, Molokai Paddleboard Race, Paul Williams, Paul Williams Still Alive, Phantom of Paradise, Porn, Russ Meyers, Star Begotten, Supersize Me, Taxi Driver, The Muppet Movie, The Scene, Winnebago Man
“Drama is Universal, Comedy is Personal”
Posted: 29th March 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Celebrities, Film, Film Review, History, Literature, News, Podcast, TelevisionTags: A Fish Called Wanda, A Philadelphia Story, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arsenic and Old Lace, Black Dynamite, Burt Reynolds, Caddyshack, Cary Grant, Comicbooks, Dr. Strangelove, Four-Color Fanboys, Galaxy Quest, Ghostbusters, Hercules in New York, His Girl Friday, Humphrey Bogart, Ireland, Ivan Reitman, Jack Benny, Jackie Gleason, Little Feat, Max Headroom, Mr. Moto, Mr. Moto takes a Vacation, My Cousin Vinny, Napoleon Dynamite, Noah, Peter Lorre, Ralph Bellamy, Roddy Doyle, Sabotage, Smokey and the Bandit, Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kurbrick, Stephen D Youngkin, Stripes, Terminator, Terminator: Genesis, The Big Lebowski, The Blues Brothers, The Commitments, The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Lego Movie, The Long Goodbye, The Lost One, The Muppet Movie, The Passion of the Christ, The Robe, The Sandlot, Vincent Price
…His name was Laszlo Lowenstein… In this brand-spankin’ new edition of The Podwits Podcast, the boys are talking movies, and more specifically, their favorite comedies. What do they find funny? What do they think (in their HUMBLE opinion) was a miss? And what the heck is up with Arnold Schwarzenegger giving away spoilers for all his […]

Back when the MUPPETS were Great: A Merry Christmas From The Muppets
Posted: 23rd December 2013 by Dion in Christmas, Television, The Muppets, UncategorizedTags: Christmas, Disney, Fraggle Rock, Jim Henson, Lady Gaga, Sesame Street, The Muppet Movie, The Muppets
(After watching the horrible 2013 Muppet Special entitled Lady Gaga & The Muppets’ Holiday Spectacular, I wanted to republish an article that ran on in 2011 about one of the best Christmas Specials of all time, the 1987 A Muppet Family Christmas. This may have been the last great thing Mr. Henson put out before […]
The Podwits Challenge: 10 Films that Molded You
Posted: 30th January 2013 by Dion in Film, Film Review, Up on The Soap BoxTags: A Night to Remember, Charles Laughton, Dirty Harry, James Cagney, Randy Jurgensen, Sorcerer, The Black Hole, The Last Man on Earth, The Muppet Movie, The Night of the Hunter, the terminator, The Untouchables, Transformers the Movie, Wages of Fear
He’s a fun thing a friend passed on to me, contributor J Blake. Pick 10 movies. They don’t have to be good, or groundbreaking. You don’t even have to like them anymore. But these 10 movies are films that really sculpted you into who you are today, and really had an affect on you growing up. […]
A Merry Christmas From The Muppets Part. 1
Posted: 17th December 2011 by Dion in Christmas, Television, The Muppets, UncategorizedTags: Christmas, Disney, Fraggle Rock, Jim Henson, Sesame Street, The Muppet Movie, The Muppets
I have come to the conclusion that there are two time-frames when concerning the Muppets. Pre-Jim Henson’s Death and Post-Jim Henson’s Death. Sadly, the latter has not been as rewarding and fruitful in the world of the Muppets since Mr. Henson’s passing. Who or what is to blame? That is a debate for another day. […]