Posts Tagged ‘Ivan Reitman’

An all new Podwits podcast is GO! This week, “Sugarthroat” Baia goads J. and Brian into gladiatorial combat over the quality (or lack thereof) of the new season of Doctor Who. But, in typical Podwits fashion, that soon becomes a discussion of the 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters (and what went wrong with Ghostbusters II), NSFW porn parodies, the Tommy […]

…His name was Laszlo Lowenstein… In this brand-spankin’ new edition of The Podwits Podcast, the boys are talking movies, and more specifically, their favorite comedies. What do they find funny? What do they think (in their HUMBLE opinion) was a miss? And what the heck is up with Arnold Schwarzenegger giving away spoilers for all his […]