Posts Tagged ‘James Bond’

Has it been a week already?! Well the boys are in the galley cooking up a brand new, steaming edition of The Podwits Podcast! Dion regroups with J. Marcus on what he missed last week and adds his two-cents regarding spy music themes and Disney only using the David Tennant years in rerun. That leads to a […]

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Podwits Podcast!  This week, Brian and J. take up arms against the evil tyrant named Jerry Seinfeld – a man who dares to compare those who upload to YouTube to a giant garbage can!  But is there an ulterior motive to his mad claim?  Then the boys turn […]

The boys are all back together for an ALL-NEW, right-off-the-assembly-line-edition of the one, the original, Podwits Podcast! They chat this week about their various jet-setting, before getting into topics that hit closer to home, like the loss of fantasy author Sir Terry Pratchett, the recent passing of Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek producer Harve Bennett, and we embrace or even […]

This week on an all new episode of the Podwits podcast, the boys do a show about them prepping to do a show while at the same time, doing a show. Sound confusing? Well imagine being a part of it! They chat about concepts of time and exactly what the heck the Podwits are doing when […]

Dion and Brian stand (or at least sit) corrected on the screenwriters of The Big Sleep and the director of Double Indemnity, and proceed to shallowly plumb the depths of the Copenhagen Zoo giraffe-killing controversy and this year’s Winter Olympics. Plus, having just seen the film adaptation of Ender’s Game, Brian’s got a bee in his bonnet […]

This week Dion and J. jump right into it! The boys discuss Quentin Tarantino’s dismay over the leaking of his new script, The Hateful Eight; the James Bond 50th anniversary Box Set and it’s extras; the exciting news that the 1966 Batman TV series will FINALLY get a proper DVD release; and a dissection of J’s Side Cast with […]

J and Brian try to figure out whatever happened to the tomorrow of yesterday — does today’s science fiction rely too much on the future as it was imagined in the 1940s and ’50s? Whoa, heavy stuff. Fortunately, they lighten it with nonsense about Miley Cyrus, movie remakes, and J’s long-overdue viewing of Cabin in the […]

Side Casts: The Action Movie Genre

Posted: 3rd July 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, Side-Casts
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Dion and Contributor J. Blake are back at it again, this time they sit down for a super-long chat about one of their favorite topics, the heyday of the Action Movie Genre. The two Podwits reminisce about some of their favorite films, while mapping out a route through a highly populated neighborhood of the 1970s, 1980s and […]

Two weeks ago friend of the Podwits, Randy Jurgensen screened a ultra-rare 35mm print of his even rarier 1987 film Heart, which starred Brad Davis, Frances Fisher and Steve Buscemi. In a nutshell the film is basically about the reality for many aspiring prizefighters hoping for the Rocky title shot happy-ending. It was screened at 92YTribeca, which […]

What is a Podwit to do in this crazy, maddening, evolving (for better or for worse) world?! Do the classics in film (or any art for that matter) age like a fine wine or do they deserve to be torn down and placed against what is now called a “classic” by today’s critics? Also, do franchises suffer or […]