I have very fond memories of playing with my G.I. Joe’s and Construx on the carpet in the living room of my parent’s old New Haven home -their rug I now recall as an imagery world, that would encompass the area from under the bay window where lived in front a massive 16″ Quasar cabinet television, to the large wooden coffee table […]
Posts Tagged ‘Raymond Chandler’
Georges Arnaud’s Wages of Fear
Posted: 29th May 2014 by Dion in Art, Books, Film, Film Review, History, Podwit ProfileTags: Alfred Hithcock, American Werewolf in London, Chester Himes, Dashiell Hammett, Diabolique, Flesh and Fire, Georges Arnaud, Henri-Georges Clouzot, James M. Cain, Jeff Ryan, Le Salaire de la Peur, Les Diabolique, Mickey Spillane, Nintendo, Norman Dale, Rage, Raymond Chandler, Scarface, Sorcerer, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America, The Boys From Brazil, The Harlem Cycle, The Last Man on Earth, Wages of Fear, William Friedkin
Several of the Most Absurdest Things in the World
Posted: 16th February 2014 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Billy Wilder, Don John, Earthsea, Ender's Game, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, Get Off My Lawn, J.R.R. Tolkien, James Bond, Jeroen Krabbe, Leigh Brackett, Lord of the Rings, Orson Scott Card, Peter Jackson, Racefail, Raymond Chandler, Robocop, Sabotage, Sam Worthington, The Big Sleep, The Empire Strikes Back, The Hobbit, The Last Airbender, The Punisher, The Shining, Ursula K. Le Guin, Watchmen, William Faulkner, Winter Olympics, World War Z, Zack Snyder
Dion and Brian stand (or at least sit) corrected on the screenwriters of The Big Sleep and the director of Double Indemnity, and proceed to shallowly plumb the depths of the Copenhagen Zoo giraffe-killing controversy and this year’s Winter Olympics. Plus, having just seen the film adaptation of Ender’s Game, Brian’s got a bee in his bonnet […]