This week finds the boys on the run, after an ill-advised attempt to play John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd, now recording their podcast from their current hideout, a waste-basket cabinet at a local Manhattan eatery. They briefly try to dissect whatever you want to call the latest act of buffoonery by Kanye West at this year’s Grammy […]
Posts Tagged ‘Lord of the Rings’
On the Lam, While Warming the Cockles…
Posted: 14th February 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Beer, Celebrities, Games, History, Music, Music Review, News, Podcast, Recap, Technology, Television, The Comic Spinner, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Beck, Billy Zane, Douglas Adams, FXX, Game of Thrones, Garbage, Grammys, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Kanye West, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Matt Garrison, Old Ox Brewery, Paul McCartney, Philadelphis Union, Red Bull, Red Eagle Entertainment, Robert Jordan, Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four, Sheri Manson, soccer, Sony Pictures, Spiderman, The Beatles, The Fantastic, Wheel of Time, Winter Dragon, X-Men
Several of the Most Absurdest Things in the World
Posted: 16th February 2014 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Billy Wilder, Don John, Earthsea, Ender's Game, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, Get Off My Lawn, J.R.R. Tolkien, James Bond, Jeroen Krabbe, Leigh Brackett, Lord of the Rings, Orson Scott Card, Peter Jackson, Racefail, Raymond Chandler, Robocop, Sabotage, Sam Worthington, The Big Sleep, The Empire Strikes Back, The Hobbit, The Last Airbender, The Punisher, The Shining, Ursula K. Le Guin, Watchmen, William Faulkner, Winter Olympics, World War Z, Zack Snyder
Dion and Brian stand (or at least sit) corrected on the screenwriters of The Big Sleep and the director of Double Indemnity, and proceed to shallowly plumb the depths of the Copenhagen Zoo giraffe-killing controversy and this year’s Winter Olympics. Plus, having just seen the film adaptation of Ender’s Game, Brian’s got a bee in his bonnet […]

The All-New Adventures of the Original Podwits!
Posted: 19th January 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Books, Film, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags: Frank Miller, Game of Thrones, Gremlins, John Carter, Lord of the Rings, Robert Rodriguez, Sabrina, Sin City, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hobbit, The Phantom, The Prisoner, The Shadow, The Spirit, Tintin
Accept no substitutes! The Podwits are back once again and THIS time it’s personal! The boys picked up a few good books and are talking remakes. Do we really need ’em? And WILL comics legend Frank Miller ever make a decent movie again? The Podwits race through all this and more… but did someone cut […]