Posts Tagged ‘Sony Pictures’

No, seriously.  That’s what this episode is called.  Don’t look at me, I don’t make these things up.  I just do what I’m told.  And to be honest, I’m not getting paid enough to take this kind of abuse.  But that’s beside the point.  What is this week’s episode about, you ask?  Hold on… I […]

This week finds the boys on the run, after an ill-advised attempt to play John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd, now recording their podcast from their current hideout, a waste-basket cabinet at a local Manhattan eatery. They briefly try to dissect whatever you want to call the latest act of buffoonery by Kanye West at this year’s Grammy […]

Well the Podwits rip their topics right from the headlines this week! After one of our beloved Wits of Pod confesses to a horrible invasion of the vicious Bedbug some years ago, they take listener’s Twitter questions on the subject, before they move on to the uproar surrounding the casting of Ridley Scott‘s Exodus:Gods and Kings […]