Archive for September, 2013

While Dion recuperates from the appendix transplant he insisted on getting (we told him it wasn’t necessary, but what can you do?), J and Brian dig deeper into the topics of their two recent posts—Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Oscar Mayer bacon dogs—before tackling the equally, ahem, meaty topic of retroactive censorship and what modern sensibilities may demand […]

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premiered on Tuesday, and it was the strongest debut for a scripted drama in years. On the other hand, Jim Steranko (a highly respected writer/artist whose groundbreaking 1967-68 run on Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the stuff of comic book history and a huge part of the reason we’re watching […]

I’m not a “foodie” in the traditional sense.  I don’t do intense research into the history of foods.  I also don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of traditional food groupings and an innate sense of which flavors should go together and which ones shouldn’t.  What I do know is what I like.  My taste buds are sufficiently […]

The Podwits are back for another exciting podcast.  It’s everything you’ve come to expect from those men of merriment and so much else!  Can your heart withstand the shocking terrors that await you?  Remember that you must be this high (how high is that?  NO ONE KNOWS, so never mind!) to listen to this podcast. […]

The Podwits are a threesome once again! Reunited (and feelin’ so good), the boys are in top form as they turn their attention to the scandal now being called “Batwomangate,” the upcoming Robocop remake, how the release of Star Trek Into Darkness is scamming the public, and a few other topics besides. It’s a veritable palooza of […]

Dion and J. Blake are back for another exciting, hair-raising, and mind-blowing Side-Cast! This go around, the boys tackle the  plot device known as time travel. They chat about their favorite films that revolve around going back or forth in time, the paradoxes some of the movies lay out, and highlight some screen gems that […]