While Dion recuperates from the appendix transplant he insisted on getting (we told him it wasn’t necessary, but what can you do?), J and Brian dig deeper into the topics of their two recent posts—Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Oscar Mayer bacon dogs—before tackling the equally, ahem, meaty topic of retroactive censorship and what modern sensibilities may demand […]
Posts Tagged ‘Oscar Mayer’
Peanut Butter and Horseradish
Posted: 28th September 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Agents of Shield, Avatar, Bacon Dogs, Burger King, Clark Gregg, Doctor Who, Earthsea, Ghost of the Grand Banks, Joel Grey, John Bennett, Looney Toons, Oscar Mayer, Rauchbier, Remo Williams, Talons of Weng Chiang, Texas Tommy, Thank You for Smoking, Ursula K. Le Guin
The “Great White Whale” of Hot Dogs Has Finally Arrived
Posted: 25th September 2013 by J. Marcus in A Case of the Munchies, FoodTags: Bacon, Burger King, Hormel, hot dogs, Nathan's, Oscar Mayer
I’m not a “foodie” in the traditional sense. I don’t do intense research into the history of foods. I also don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of traditional food groupings and an innate sense of which flavors should go together and which ones shouldn’t. What I do know is what I like. My taste buds are sufficiently […]