Posts Tagged ‘Looney Toons’

While Dion recuperates from the appendix transplant he insisted on getting (we told him it wasn’t necessary, but what can you do?), J and Brian dig deeper into the topics of their two recent posts—Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Oscar Mayer bacon dogs—before tackling the equally, ahem, meaty topic of retroactive censorship and what modern sensibilities may demand […]

What is a Podwit to do in this crazy, maddening, evolving (for better or for worse) world?! Do the classics in film (or any art for that matter) age like a fine wine or do they deserve to be torn down and placed against what is now called a “classic” by today’s critics? Also, do franchises suffer or […]

A special edition of the Podwits podcast for this Wednesday has Dion and J. looking back at the history of animation.  From the early days of “Steamboat Willie” on, it’s a cartoon cavalcade as only the Podwits themselves can offer (and they only get to scratch the surface in this… the first of a multi-part […]