The wits of Pod have the band back together and it feels so good… Brian praises Guardians of the Galaxy ; Dion casts his doubts about the new reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that hits theaters this weekend; and J.- well he does his best not to evoke that name which is not to be mentioned… […]
Posts Tagged ‘Michael Bay’
A Case of an Mammalian Brain Surge
Posted: 9th August 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Audio Review, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, History, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Technology, TelevisionTags: DC Comics, Dr. Who, Geoff Johns, Guardians of the Galaxy, Indiana Jones, Kyle Smith, Marvel, Michael Bay, New York Post, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The New 52, The Raid 2, The Raid: Redemption, The Transformers
You Have to Know Your Audience
Posted: 25th May 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: 321 Contact, Alfred Hitchcock, Bloodhound Gang, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Ian Fleming, James Bond, Jane Henson, Jeff Bridges, Jim Henson, Jose Ferrer, Joss Whedon, Looney Toons, Men in Black, Michael Bay, Miguel Ferrer, R.I.P.D, Ray Manzarek, Rosemary Clooney, Ryan Reynolds, Space Jam, Star Trek, The Doors, The Muppets, The Wilhelm Scream, Transformers
What is a Podwit to do in this crazy, maddening, evolving (for better or for worse) world?! Do the classics in film (or any art for that matter) age like a fine wine or do they deserve to be torn down and placed against what is now called a “classic” by today’s critics? Also, do franchises suffer or […]
Michael Bay Mucking with Origins for his TMNT Reboot!
Posted: 20th March 2012 by Dion in Film, News, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Michael Bay, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers
The net is blazing with talk in response to Michael Bay’s admission that he plans to change the origin story of the four beloved main characters in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle reboot… and not all of it is good.