The Wits’ of Pod are back again for another exciting, riveting and enthralling episode of The Podwits Podcast! Brian Zino, J. Marcus and Dion Baia take a trip down memory lane with cable vs. the old school antenna, before they disseminate the new look and presentation of Television networks and if their names truly still reflect […]
Archive for the ‘Beer’ Category
Channel Surfing Via the Aerial
Posted: 4th April 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Celebrities, Comic Books, Doctor Who, Ernest Borgnine, Film, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags: Adam West, Alien Nation, AMC, Batman (1966), Batman 66, Big Finish, Bruce Willis, Burt Reynolds, Burt Ward, Clown Shoes Tramp Stamp, Die Hard, Dish TV, Doctor Who, E!, Ernest Borgnine, From Russia with Love, George Miller, History Channel, Jeff Bridges, Kojak, Leonard Nimoy, Mad Max, Mad Max Fury Road, Out of This World, Powers, Ryan Gosling, Sean Connery, Small Wonder, Star Trek: The Original Series, Superman, SyFy Channel, The Homesman, The Rolling Stones, The Twilight Zone, TLC, Tommy Lee Jones, TRU TV, TV Land, Younger
On the Lam, While Warming the Cockles…
Posted: 14th February 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Beer, Celebrities, Games, History, Music, Music Review, News, Podcast, Recap, Technology, Television, The Comic Spinner, Up on The Soap BoxTags: Beck, Billy Zane, Douglas Adams, FXX, Game of Thrones, Garbage, Grammys, Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Kanye West, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, Matt Garrison, Old Ox Brewery, Paul McCartney, Philadelphis Union, Red Bull, Red Eagle Entertainment, Robert Jordan, Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four, Sheri Manson, soccer, Sony Pictures, Spiderman, The Beatles, The Fantastic, Wheel of Time, Winter Dragon, X-Men
This week finds the boys on the run, after an ill-advised attempt to play John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd, now recording their podcast from their current hideout, a waste-basket cabinet at a local Manhattan eatery. They briefly try to dissect whatever you want to call the latest act of buffoonery by Kanye West at this year’s Grammy […]
Podwits Beer School
Posted: 13th December 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Comic Books, Film, PodcastTags: Andrew Garfield, Beer, Burton Baton, Captain America, DC Comics, Dog Fish Head, Iron Man, Jon Favreau, Jon Peters, Joss Whedon, Kevin Feige, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Comics, Spider-Man, Thor
On this week’s delightful edition of “The Podwits Podcast”, you’ll learn everything you ever wanted to know about beer and so much more as Brian “Dr. All Y’all” Zino takes us through the in’s and out’s of IPAs and what exactly it takes to ‘skunk’ a beer (not to mention a very special choice for this […]
New Podcast: The Lads Taking the Piss
Posted: 1st November 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Television, Up on The Soap BoxTags: #PodwitsBeer, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Aquaman, Batman, Captain Marvel, Coney Island, Cyborg, DC Comics, Delorean DMC-12, Dr. Strange, Green Lantern, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guinness Blonde Lager, Hasbro, Joe Spinello, Justice League, Lego, Lego Batman, Marvel, Marvel Agents of Shield, Michael Keaton, Nick Fury, Operation Board Game, Parker Brothers, Phase 3, Shazam, Spiderman, Star Wars, Stationwagon, Suicide Squad, Superman, Terminator, The Avengers, The Black Panther, Tim Burton, Warner Bros., Wonder Woman
Well what else can be said about this week’s all new installment of The Podwits Podcast except that it is EPIC… We hear how J. Marcus and Dion first met Brian on the Coney Island boardwalk; Beer connoisseur Brian lambasts Guinness’ new Blonde Lager and praises this week’s choice drink; Dion vents about the news that Operation […]
Adequate, at best?
Posted: 20th September 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Books, Celebrities, Electronics, Ernest Borgnine, Film, History, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Software Review, Technology, TelevisionTags: #PodwitsBeer, Avatar, Douglas Trumbull, Elementary, James Cameron, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Steven Moffat, Unlocking Sherlock
The ‘Wits of Pod are all over the place this week! Brian lays out his new exercise regiment, utilizing The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan, before they dash into the highly recommended documentary about the BBC series Sherlock entitled Unlocking Sherlock. Then the lads get into a spirited discussion about VFX pioneer and filmmaker Douglas Trumbull‘s new […]
Protecting the Earth from various No-goodniks and Skullduggery
Posted: 22nd February 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Cartoons, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, News, Podcast, Science FictionTags: A Christmas Story, Batman 66, Bejing Love Story, Borgnine Night, Brian Michael Bendis, Clint Eastwood, Comic Books, Comic Con, D.C. Comics, Ernest Borgnine, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justified, Marvel, New York Comic Book Market Plac, Saving Mr. Banks, Smallville, Special Edition NYC, Superman, Valentine's Day, Warner Bros., What's so Funny ABout Truth Justice and the American Way?, Wonder Woman
The boys are at it again! Dion’s on about Clint Eastwood being a real life hero and scorned Valentine’s Day lovers from China, J’s back from space and talking shop about Superman, and Brian is loving Marvel’s new Guardians of the Galaxy and voicing his contempt for the ineptitude of DC Comics. Plus an update on the 22nd Annual Borgnine Night at […]

Tattoos & Home Brewin’ (And NOT Prolapse!)
Posted: 26th October 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Food, Podcast, SexTags: Alamo Drafthouse, Beer, Brian Cox, Disney, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, Ernest Borgnine, Filmation, Freaks, Ghostbusters, Guiness, H.P. Lovecraft, Halloween, Home Brewing, Joesph Gordon Levitt, Lou Scheimer, Manhunter, Nightmare on Elm Street, Reanimator, Silence of the Lambs, Spiderman, Stuart Gordon, tattoo, The Black Hole, The Great Courses, The Real Ghostbusters, Transmetropolitan, Yonkers Ale
The Podwits are at it again and this week are pulling out all the stops! They chat about Alamo Drafthouse, buying educational lectures online, brewing your own beer, Halloween favorites, getting a tattoo, and- anal prolapse (does it always lead to porn?!). Come have a listen to what we’re serving for you this week! Footnotes: Find […]
More Than Just Drinking: A Review of Brew Dogs
Posted: 14th October 2013 by Brian in Beer, TelevisionIt’s no secret to listeners of the Podwits Podcast that I’m a craft beer guy. I wanted to be a wine guy. The way wine was always spoken of in magazines and on TV made it sound like an exciting world of flavors and experiences that I’d never finish exploring. Sadly, though, no matter how […]