Posts Tagged ‘Andrew Garfield’

On this week’s delightful edition of “The Podwits Podcast”, you’ll learn everything you ever wanted to know about beer and so much more as Brian “Dr. All Y’all” Zino takes us through the in’s and out’s of IPAs and what exactly it takes to ‘skunk’ a beer (not to mention a very special choice for this […]

Brian and J are not back from San Diego Comic-Con… mainly ’cause they didn’t go in the first place. But of course that won’t stop them from discussing it! Why do Doctor Who stars keep shaving their heads? Will the Superman/Batman movie suck? How good is Orphan Black, really? (Spoiler alert: Effing awesome.) And just what the heck is […]

As The Amazing Spider-Man grew closer to its debut, the question just got louder and louder: With three madly successful Spider-Man films being released in just the last ten years, was it neccessary, or wise, to reboot the franchise and inflict a whole new Spider-Man on a public that was probably all Spider-Manned out? Did anyone […]