Are you watching the new FOX drama Gotham? The Podwits are! J. and Brian are here to talk about the show, how its timeline jibes (or doesn’t) with what we already know about the Batman and his mythos, and how they’re enjoying the dramatic proceedings. Add in a (speedy) left turn into both the televised and […]
Posts Tagged ‘Smallville’
Protecting the Earth from various No-goodniks and Skullduggery
Posted: 22nd February 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Cartoons, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, News, Podcast, Science FictionTags: A Christmas Story, Batman 66, Bejing Love Story, Borgnine Night, Brian Michael Bendis, Clint Eastwood, Comic Books, Comic Con, D.C. Comics, Ernest Borgnine, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justified, Marvel, New York Comic Book Market Plac, Saving Mr. Banks, Smallville, Special Edition NYC, Superman, Valentine's Day, Warner Bros., What's so Funny ABout Truth Justice and the American Way?, Wonder Woman
The boys are at it again! Dion’s on about Clint Eastwood being a real life hero and scorned Valentine’s Day lovers from China, J’s back from space and talking shop about Superman, and Brian is loving Marvel’s new Guardians of the Galaxy and voicing his contempt for the ineptitude of DC Comics. Plus an update on the 22nd Annual Borgnine Night at […]

Hairy Palm
Posted: 27th July 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Andrew Garfield, Batman, Comic Con, Joss Whedon, Justice League, Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, Orphan Black, Smallville, Squadron Supreme, Superman, Tatiana Maslany, Tom Hiddleston
Brian and J are not back from San Diego Comic-Con… mainly ’cause they didn’t go in the first place. But of course that won’t stop them from discussing it! Why do Doctor Who stars keep shaving their heads? Will the Superman/Batman movie suck? How good is Orphan Black, really? (Spoiler alert: Effing awesome.) And just what the heck is […]
Tube Boobs
Posted: 1st September 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, TelevisionTags: Arrow, Doctor Who, Elementary, Revolution, Sherlock, Smallville, Steven Moffat
J and Brian, obviously flailing about without the steadying influence of the still-MIA Dion, manage to drag themselves out of the swamp of talking about comic books non-stop and instead turn their attention to something much more intellectually worthwhile: television! They’ve got thoughts on the new season of Doctor Who debuting this weekend, and some other […]
The Cup of Dion
Posted: 25th August 2012 by J. Marcus in Comic Books, Podcast, Science FictionTags: Amy Pond, Battlestar Galactica, Blake's 7, Doctor Who, HBO, Pond Life, Smallville, Steven Moffat, Superman, SyFy Channel, True Blood, Wonder Woman
Brian and J. are on their own this week and left to ponder the canon of Dion, the inevitable courtship of Superman and Wonder Woman and Jessica Hamby’s beyond-cute video blog! All that and the return of a venerable (?) sci-fi television series on this week’s Podwits Podcast!
The Podwits – Episode The Second
Posted: 26th November 2011 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Literature, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags:, Arnold Schwarzenegger, California, DVD, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Game of Thrones, Holidays, Kindle Fire, Netflix, Smallville, Television, Total Recall, True Blood, Walking Dead
The Podwits are back and this time it’s personal! While Dion, J. and Brian are more than happy to debate the virtues of the written word versus its interpretation in Hollywood, they also prove they’re not above shilling for everything from to Ahnold himself. We may even shill for you too…