To help get the word out about their new Podcast Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers, Dion and J. Blake sit down to recommend 10 horror films for the Halloween season that they feel may be overlooked or forgotten in today’s times. The boys attempt to compile a list of amazing fright films that may not be […]
Posts Tagged ‘True Blood’
The Cup of Dion
Posted: 25th August 2012 by J. Marcus in Comic Books, Podcast, Science FictionTags: Amy Pond, Battlestar Galactica, Blake's 7, Doctor Who, HBO, Pond Life, Smallville, Steven Moffat, Superman, SyFy Channel, True Blood, Wonder Woman
Brian and J. are on their own this week and left to ponder the canon of Dion, the inevitable courtship of Superman and Wonder Woman and Jessica Hamby’s beyond-cute video blog! All that and the return of a venerable (?) sci-fi television series on this week’s Podwits Podcast!
The Podwits – Episode The Second
Posted: 26th November 2011 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Literature, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags:, Arnold Schwarzenegger, California, DVD, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Game of Thrones, Holidays, Kindle Fire, Netflix, Smallville, Television, Total Recall, True Blood, Walking Dead
The Podwits are back and this time it’s personal! While Dion, J. and Brian are more than happy to debate the virtues of the written word versus its interpretation in Hollywood, they also prove they’re not above shilling for everything from to Ahnold himself. We may even shill for you too…