Posts Tagged ‘Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers’

This week on an all new episode of the Podwits podcast, the boys do a show about them prepping to do a show while at the same time, doing a show. Sound confusing? Well imagine being a part of it! They chat about concepts of time and exactly what the heck the Podwits are doing when […]

Please pay a visit to our latest Podwits venture, Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers! Dion Baia and J. Blake of the Podwits fame highlight films from their youth that would have typically been rented for a weekend sleepover by you and your friends. A new movie may be thrown into the mix to spice it up, but cult […]

To help get the word out about their new Podcast Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers, Dion and J. Blake sit down to recommend 10 horror films for the Halloween season that they feel may be overlooked or forgotten in today’s times. The boys attempt to compile a list of amazing fright films that may not be […]