Posts Tagged ‘Doctor Who’

Has it been a week already?! Well the boys are in the galley cooking up a brand new, steaming edition of The Podwits Podcast! Dion regroups with J. Marcus on what he missed last week and adds his two-cents regarding spy music themes and Disney only using the David Tennant years in rerun. That leads to a […]

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Podwits Podcast!  This week, Brian and J. take up arms against the evil tyrant named Jerry Seinfeld – a man who dares to compare those who upload to YouTube to a giant garbage can!  But is there an ulterior motive to his mad claim?  Then the boys turn […]

The Wits’ of Pod are back again for another exciting, riveting and enthralling episode of The Podwits Podcast! Brian Zino, J. Marcus and Dion Baia take a trip down memory lane with cable vs. the old school antenna, before they disseminate the new look and presentation of Television networks and if their names truly still reflect […]

The boys are all back together for an ALL-NEW, right-off-the-assembly-line-edition of the one, the original, Podwits Podcast! They chat this week about their various jet-setting, before getting into topics that hit closer to home, like the loss of fantasy author Sir Terry Pratchett, the recent passing of Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek producer Harve Bennett, and we embrace or even […]

This week, on Podwits Crossfire!: What are the acceptable limits of fan behavior? On one side, representing law, order, self-awareness, and a cautious approach to velour, it’s J. Marcus! And on the other side, representing chaos, board games, and flags of the freak variety, it’s Brian! Plus: dead people cosplaying, that time Brian thought he’d […]

The boys get into some pretty heady, philosophical debates this week, concerning the right of the fan towards art. Starting with the cancellation of various TV shows they’ve known and loved, Dion and Brian segue into the idea of continuing a franchise’s life through new material, be it either penned by fans or officially sanctioned by the creators; is that ok? […]

This week’s Podwits Podcast is a battle royale between two titans of talk!  In this corner we have the Sultan of Sage, The King Of K-nowledge, The Scion Of The Cerebellum… BRIAN ZINO!  And in the other corner… The Master of Mediocrity, The Jack Of A Few Trades, The Ran Out Of Alliteration, J. MARCUS! (applause) […]

An all new Podwits podcast is GO! This week, “Sugarthroat” Baia goads J. and Brian into gladiatorial combat over the quality (or lack thereof) of the new season of Doctor Who. But, in typical Podwits fashion, that soon becomes a discussion of the 30th anniversary of Ghostbusters (and what went wrong with Ghostbusters II), NSFW porn parodies, the Tommy […]

J. Marcus gives Dion his immediate reactions to the appearance of the 12th Doctor in last week’s Doctor Who Season Debut, not mincing words or pulling punches. Has watching it a half a dozen times on the DVR and seeing it in the cinema changed his mind? Then the back-end of the ‘cast is filled […]

This week the Podwits learn the valuable lesson of speaking from where you know.  Bri has studied up on The Avengers (not THOSE Avengers — Steed & Mrs. Peel) and is ready to share all that he’s learned.  Of course this won’t stop J. from bringing up the tawdry business of the newest Doctor Who […]