The Wits’ of Pod are back again for another exciting, riveting and enthralling episode of The Podwits Podcast! Brian Zino, J. Marcus and Dion Baia take a trip down memory lane with cable vs. the old school antenna, before they disseminate the new look and presentation of Television networks and if their names truly still reflect […]
Posts Tagged ‘Batman 66’
Channel Surfing Via the Aerial
Posted: 4th April 2015 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Celebrities, Comic Books, Doctor Who, Ernest Borgnine, Film, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags: Adam West, Alien Nation, AMC, Batman (1966), Batman 66, Big Finish, Bruce Willis, Burt Reynolds, Burt Ward, Clown Shoes Tramp Stamp, Die Hard, Dish TV, Doctor Who, E!, Ernest Borgnine, From Russia with Love, George Miller, History Channel, Jeff Bridges, Kojak, Leonard Nimoy, Mad Max, Mad Max Fury Road, Out of This World, Powers, Ryan Gosling, Sean Connery, Small Wonder, Star Trek: The Original Series, Superman, SyFy Channel, The Homesman, The Rolling Stones, The Twilight Zone, TLC, Tommy Lee Jones, TRU TV, TV Land, Younger
BATMAN at 75!
Posted: 4th May 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Film, Film Review, History, Podcast, Recap, Side-Casts, Technology, Television, The Comic Spinner, ToysTags: A Death in the Family, Adam West, Alan Moore, Alex Ross, Anton Furst, Batgirl, Batman, Batman (1966), Batman 66, Batman Beyond, Batman Returns, Batman TV series, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: The Dark Knight Collection, Batman: Year One, Bill Dozier, Bill Finger, Bob Hoskins, Bob Kane, Brad Dourif, Christopher Nolan, Comic Books, D.C. Comics, Dennis O'Neal, Dick Tracy, Disney, Frank Miller, From Here to Eternity, G.I.Joe, George Reeves, Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, Legends of the Superheroes, Mark Hamill, Matt Garrison, Max Allan Collins, Michael Keaton, Neil Adams, Norman Saunders, Olan Soule, Patchwork, Paul Williams, Robin, Robin Williams, Scooby Doo, Shirley Walker, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Superman, The Joker, The Killing Joke, The Phantom, The Rocketeer, The Shadow, The Transformers, Tim Burton, William Sanderson
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Batman, The Podwits deliver a special edition of the Side Cast! Dion and contributor J. Blake celebrate the history of the character by sharing their memories and speak about the history, which leads into some very interesting topics: The various incarnations from comic, to small and then silver screen; […]
Protecting the Earth from various No-goodniks and Skullduggery
Posted: 22nd February 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Beer, Cartoons, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, News, Podcast, Science FictionTags: A Christmas Story, Batman 66, Bejing Love Story, Borgnine Night, Brian Michael Bendis, Clint Eastwood, Comic Books, Comic Con, D.C. Comics, Ernest Borgnine, Guardians of the Galaxy, Justified, Marvel, New York Comic Book Market Plac, Saving Mr. Banks, Smallville, Special Edition NYC, Superman, Valentine's Day, Warner Bros., What's so Funny ABout Truth Justice and the American Way?, Wonder Woman
The boys are at it again! Dion’s on about Clint Eastwood being a real life hero and scorned Valentine’s Day lovers from China, J’s back from space and talking shop about Superman, and Brian is loving Marvel’s new Guardians of the Galaxy and voicing his contempt for the ineptitude of DC Comics. Plus an update on the 22nd Annual Borgnine Night at […]