Posts Tagged ‘Paul Williams’

The boys usher in the New Year with talk of documentaries, and the annoyance of the Documentarian interjecting themselves into the narrative and becoming the central character- is that at all necessary? Then of course, like all good academic conversations, the topic leads to porn and the numbing of the modern mind to the naked image and what […]

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Batman, The Podwits deliver a special edition of the Side Cast! Dion and contributor J. Blake celebrate the history of the character by sharing their memories and speak about the history, which leads into some very interesting topics: The various incarnations from comic, to small and then silver screen; […]

Brian is back from the doctor’s, and boy is he piping mad! (Who knew he had a crew of trolls to dig him out of snowmageddon?!) With Brian tipsy off of Scottish ale, J and Dion jockey positions in settling the old boy down as he rants about the incredibly stupid Games Workshop’s attempt to […]