Posts Tagged ‘Burger King’

While Dion recuperates from the appendix transplant he insisted on getting (we told him it wasn’t necessary, but what can you do?), J and Brian dig deeper into the topics of their two recent posts—Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Oscar Mayer bacon dogs—before tackling the equally, ahem, meaty topic of retroactive censorship and what modern sensibilities may demand […]

I’m not a “foodie” in the traditional sense.  I don’t do intense research into the history of foods.  I also don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of traditional food groupings and an innate sense of which flavors should go together and which ones shouldn’t.  What I do know is what I like.  My taste buds are sufficiently […]

Brian is back from the doctor’s, and boy is he piping mad! (Who knew he had a crew of trolls to dig him out of snowmageddon?!) With Brian tipsy off of Scottish ale, J and Dion jockey positions in settling the old boy down as he rants about the incredibly stupid Games Workshop’s attempt to […]

With Brian south of the border, the remaining lads rap about automation within the fast food industry, the decline of the Christmas Hess Truck, the Elmo controversy, Netflix vs. Amazon Prime and the newly released teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness. There’s going the be some bitching, complaining and hugging this time around…