This week J. Marcus and Dion tackle the pressing issues of the day: the British thespian Invasion, ‘Old Detriot’ alla RoboCop becoming a reality, the Dark Knight Trilogy Box Set, the plot holes that abound in Star Trek: Into Darkness, the final word on Richard Donner’s Superman with the newly released International Cut, and- last but certainly not least, […]
Posts Tagged ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’
Now It’s Even the Little Things…
Posted: 5th October 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Adam West, Batman, Batman Returns, Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, Danny Elfman, Ernest Borgnine, Frank Gorshin, Funny Games, J.J. Abrams, Khan, Low Winter Sun, Man of Steel, Man on a String, Michael Keaton, Paul Reubens, Peter Weller, Richard Donner, Robocop, Sean Young, Sideshow Collectibles, Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Wars, Superman, The Batmobile, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Riddler, Tim Burton, Tim Roth
Posted: 14th September 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Batwoman, J.H. Williams III, Kate Kane, Maggie Sawyer, Paul Verhoeven, Peter Weller, Robocop, Star Trek Into Darkness, Total Recall, W. Haden Blackman
The Podwits are a threesome once again! Reunited (and feelin’ so good), the boys are in top form as they turn their attention to the scandal now being called “Batwomangate,” the upcoming Robocop remake, how the release of Star Trek Into Darkness is scamming the public, and a few other topics besides. It’s a veritable palooza of […]
Fandom Into Darkness
Posted: 23rd May 2013 by J. Marcus in Doctor Who, Film Review, Science Fiction, Television, Watching the DoctorTags: Doctor Who, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Matt Smith, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, Steven Moffat, The Name of the Doctor
The weekend of May 18, 2013 will live long in my consciousness. It will stand for quite some time as the weekend that two of my favorite franchises tried to hit one out of the park… and failed miserably. You can count my “favorite” franchises on one hand. Among them are Doctor Who, Superman and Star Trek (not […]
Star Trek Into Darkness is an Exhilarating, Emotionally Dense and Utterly Pleasurable Journey That Will Take the Fans to New Heights and Dimensions
Posted: 16th May 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Film ReviewTags: Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Pine, J.J. Abrams, Karl Urban, Peter Weller, Simon Pegg, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana
Review by Luke Whitmire After watching Star Trek Into Darkness, I know J.J. Abrams is going to make a brilliant Star Wars movie. Abrams is a perfect fit to direct the impending Episode VII. Mr. Abrams has solidified himself as a masterful, propulsive and visceral filmmaker along with James Cameron, Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg and […]
All Roads Lead To The Hoff!
Posted: 20th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, PodcastTags: Ballistic City, DC Comics, Joseph Kosinski, Joss Whedon, Man of Steel, Marvel Comics, Star Trek Into Darkness, Superman, The Avengers
After a brief trip to the Twlight-Zone that is NPR, the boys are back on form in a brand-new podcast designed to titillate your ears and warm your senses. The Podwits are introspective this week, looking to the future of their beloved genre offerings and striving to see if they will ever truly find genre […]
When Brian is on Holiday, The Podwits Will Play…
Posted: 8th December 2012 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Amazon Prime, Burger King, Creation Entertainment, Disney, Elmo, Hess Truck, Kevin Clash, Netflix, Pepsi Throwback, Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, William Shatner
With Brian south of the border, the remaining lads rap about automation within the fast food industry, the decline of the Christmas Hess Truck, the Elmo controversy, Netflix vs. Amazon Prime and the newly released teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness. There’s going the be some bitching, complaining and hugging this time around…