Last week, I shared one of my favorite new British Christmas adverts I saw while home in Leeds, Yorkshire. The Marks & Spencers Christmas ad “Believe in Magic & Sparkle”, was a perfect example of the short little vignettes that English audiences have come to love in the Christmas season.
Posts Tagged ‘Coca-cola’
A little More UK Christmas TV Magic!
Posted: 17th December 2013 by Yorkshire Girl in Christmas, News, TelevisionTags: Christmas, Coca-cola, Famous Grouse, John Lewis Department, Marks & Spencers, The Snowman
A little UK Christmas TV Magic!
Posted: 11th December 2013 by Yorkshire Girl in Christmas, News, TelevisionTags: Christmas, Coca-cola, England, Famous Grouse, Helena Bonham Carter, Marks & Spencers, United Kingdom
On a recent trip back home to Leeds, I was excited to see the start of the yearly roll out of the new Christmas adverts. It has become somewhat of a loving tradition which never really seemed to take off here in the States, much like our other custom of the highly-anticipated “Christmas Episode” of our favorite […]
Bridge Trolls, Copyright Lawsuits & 2 Gallons of Cola
Posted: 16th February 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags:, Burger King, Cigarettes, Coca-cola, DC Comics, Ernest Borgnine, Games Workshop, M.C.A. Hogarth, Neil Gaiman, Orson Scott Card, Paul Williams, Scott Young, snowmageddon, Space Marines, Trolls, Warhammer
Brian is back from the doctor’s, and boy is he piping mad! (Who knew he had a crew of trolls to dig him out of snowmageddon?!) With Brian tipsy off of Scottish ale, J and Dion jockey positions in settling the old boy down as he rants about the incredibly stupid Games Workshop’s attempt to […]