Posts Tagged ‘Coca-cola’

Last week, I shared one of my favorite new British Christmas adverts I saw while home in Leeds, Yorkshire. The Marks & Spencers Christmas ad “Believe in Magic & Sparkle”, was a perfect example of the short little vignettes that English audiences have come to love in the Christmas season.

On a recent trip back home to Leeds, I was excited to see the start of the yearly roll out of the new Christmas adverts. It has become somewhat of a loving tradition which never really seemed to take off here in the States, much like our other custom of the highly-anticipated “Christmas Episode” of our favorite […]

Brian is back from the doctor’s, and boy is he piping mad! (Who knew he had a crew of trolls to dig him out of snowmageddon?!) With Brian tipsy off of Scottish ale, J and Dion jockey positions in settling the old boy down as he rants about the incredibly stupid Games Workshop’s attempt to […]