Posts Tagged ‘Peter Capaldi’

This week’s Podwits Podcast is a battle royale between two titans of talk!  In this corner we have the Sultan of Sage, The King Of K-nowledge, The Scion Of The Cerebellum… BRIAN ZINO!  And in the other corner… The Master of Mediocrity, The Jack Of A Few Trades, The Ran Out Of Alliteration, J. MARCUS! (applause) […]

J. Marcus gives Dion his immediate reactions to the appearance of the 12th Doctor in last week’s Doctor Who Season Debut, not mincing words or pulling punches. Has watching it a half a dozen times on the DVR and seeing it in the cinema changed his mind? Then the back-end of the ‘cast is filled […]

Now that Doctor Who‘s big 50th anniversary year is over, and it left fans with rather a lot to chew over—a proper new companion, the first big multi-Doctor anniversary story in thirty years (we don’t talk about Dimensions in Time, thankyewverymuch), and of course a regeneration. The Podwits’ lifelong Whovians, J. Marcus and Brian, are here to […]

It’s New Doctor Day!

Posted: 10th August 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Doctor Who, Podcast
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For fans of the venerable Doctor Who, celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year, there’s no occasion quite so momentous as the introduction of a new Doctor—and Brian and J are no exceptions. Join them as they sink their conversational teeth into this week’s announcement of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, along with their thoughts on […]