Now that Doctor Who‘s big 50th anniversary year is over, and it left fans with rather a lot to chew over—a proper new companion, the first big multi-Doctor anniversary story in thirty years (we don’t talk about Dimensions in Time, thankyewverymuch), and of course a regeneration. The Podwits’ lifelong Whovians, J. Marcus and Brian, are here to […]
Posts Tagged ‘Night of the Doctor’
The Podwits’ “Year in Re-vWho” 2013
Posted: 4th January 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Doctor Who, PodcastTags: 50th Anniversary, Bells of St. John, Clara Oswald, Cold War, Crimson Horror, Day of the Doctor, Doctor Who, Hide, Jenna Coleman, Jenny Flint, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, Madame Vastra, Matt Smith, Neil Gaiman, Night of the Doctor, Nightmare in Silver, Paternoster Gang, Peter Capaldi, Rings of Akhaten, Series 7, Steven Moffat, Strax, Time of the Doctor, Trenzalore
Van Damn! Those Thighs!
Posted: 16th November 2013 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Anchor Liberty Ale, Andy Kaufman, Daredevil, Defenders, Doctor Who, Drew Goddard, Elliott Kay, Iron Fist, Jean Claude Van Damme, Jessica Jones, John Constantine, Legos, Luke Cage, Marvel Comics, Netflix, Night of the Doctor, Sam J. Jones, Steven E. DeSouza, Tim Daly
The Podwits try to work with an actual format… and no, sir, they don’t like it, not one little bit. But while they’re straining at the bonds of the rundown, our poorly-behaved wild children still manage to discuss the good and bad of collecting stuff, the New York Comic Con Twitter-hack scandal, Tim Daly’s video […]