Posts Tagged ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’

Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Podwits Podcast!  This week, Brian and J. take up arms against the evil tyrant named Jerry Seinfeld – a man who dares to compare those who upload to YouTube to a giant garbage can!  But is there an ulterior motive to his mad claim?  Then the boys turn […]

The first season of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has wrapped, and Brian and J. Marcus are here to conduct the top-secret post-mortem! With their usual laser-like focus and military precision (read: all kinds of tangents and diversions), Brian and J. look at what worked, what didn’t, and what the future may or may not hold for our […]

J. Marcus is back, he’s on steroids (due to injury), and Brian has to deal with his nerdy ‘Roid Rage!  What is Marvel doing to the Ultimate Universe?  Has Joss Whedon finally said something too terrible to contemplate?  Can a musical genius be resurrected from the rotted tooth he left behind?  And have you ever […]

This week the Podwits return to subjects very near and dear to their hearts — cartoons and comic books — as J. and Brian ponder whether this is, in fact, the end of an era for high-quality animated adaptations of great comic book stories.  Which stories would YOU like to see in animated form?  And […]

As The Amazing Spider-Man grew closer to its debut, the question just got louder and louder: With three madly successful Spider-Man films being released in just the last ten years, was it neccessary, or wise, to reboot the franchise and inflict a whole new Spider-Man on a public that was probably all Spider-Manned out? Did anyone […]

The comic book rack is the new water cooler, as your three well-read masters of ceremony discuss gay superheroes, digital comics, the old Spider-Man newspaper strip, and a whole host of other superheroic topics, along with some other unrelated side-excursions. Podwits Assemble!

This week, the boys do a little globetrotting to answer the age-old question: why does cheese that smells like feet taste better than the one that smells like it came from your butt?  The Podwits also have to come to terms with the ever-growing internationally acclaimed status of one of their own while not insulting […]