The wits of Pod have the band back together and it feels so good… Brian praises Guardians of the Galaxy ; Dion casts his doubts about the new reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that hits theaters this weekend; and J.- well he does his best not to evoke that name which is not to be mentioned… […]
Posts Tagged ‘The New 52’
A Case of an Mammalian Brain Surge
Posted: 9th August 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Audio Review, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Ernest Borgnine, Film, Film Review, History, News, Podcast, Science Fiction, Technology, TelevisionTags: DC Comics, Dr. Who, Geoff Johns, Guardians of the Galaxy, Indiana Jones, Kyle Smith, Marvel, Michael Bay, New York Post, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The New 52, The Raid 2, The Raid: Redemption, The Transformers
Batman at 75 Part II!
Posted: 10th May 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Books, Cartoons, Comic Books, Film, Film Review, History, Literature, Podcast, Side-Casts, Television, The Comic SpinnerTags: A Death in the Family, Adam West, American Psycho, Bane, Batman, Batman Begins, Batman Beyond, Batman TV series, Batman: The Animated Series, Bill Dozier, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Timm, Charles Bronson, Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, D.C. Comics, Darwyn Cooke, Dean Kain, Deathwish, Dick Tracy, Dylan Baker, Heath Ledger, J.J. Abrams, Jack Nicholson, Joel Schumacher, Kevin Conroy, Matt Garrison, Michael Keaton, Patchwork, Peter Weller, Remakes, Robin, Sam Raimi, Sherlock Holmes, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Spiderman, Stan Lee, Star Trek, Superman, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, The Dark Knight Trilogy, The New 52, The Punisher, The Rocketeer, The Shadow, Tim Burton
The Podwits bring your Part II of their Side Cast special exploring Batman’s 75th anniversary! Dion and contributor J. Blake continue on with memories of the Caped Crusader, and get into Tim Burton’s franchise versus Christopher Nolan’s, and also bring up what is going on the small screen by way of the amazing animated films D.C. Comics have been putting […]
Dino De Laurentiis & Quentin Tarantino Present: He Came From the East- Mordecai
Posted: 1st February 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Celebrities, Comic Books, Film, Film Review, Podcast, Science FictionTags: Adam West, Batman (1966), Batman TV series, Blu Ray, Bond 50: The Complete 22 Film Collection, Casino Royale, CFQ, Cinefantastique, DC Comics, Django Unchained, Dr. No, Dr. Who, Greatest Sci Fi Movies Never Made, James Bond, Jerry Goldsmith, Kill Bill, Kuma, Kuma Kreations Entertainment, Man of Steel, PBS, Quentin Tarantino, Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four, Sidecast, Star Log, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Superheroes: A Never Ending Battle, Superheroes: The Never Ending Battle, Superman, Superman Returns, Superman vs. Batman, The Hateful Eight, The Muppets, The New 52, Tim Burton's Superman Lives, Tim Daly, Welcome to Japan Mr. Bond, You Only Live Twice, Zack Snyder
This week Dion and J. jump right into it! The boys discuss Quentin Tarantino’s dismay over the leaking of his new script, The Hateful Eight; the James Bond 50th anniversary Box Set and it’s extras; the exciting news that the 1966 Batman TV series will FINALLY get a proper DVD release; and a dissection of J’s Side Cast with […]

The Podwits Paradox
Posted: 3rd August 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Cartoons, Comic Books, Film, Podcast, TelevisionTags: Batman, Bruce Timm, Christian Bale, DC Comics, Fantastic Four, Flashpoint, Fourth World, Jack Kirby, Joss Whedon, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Kevin Conroy, Marvel Comics, Paul Dini, Superior Spider-Man, Superman, The Avengers, The Dark Knight, The Flashpoint Paradox, The New 52, Ultimate Spider-Man, X-Men
This week the Podwits return to subjects very near and dear to their hearts — cartoons and comic books — as J. and Brian ponder whether this is, in fact, the end of an era for high-quality animated adaptations of great comic book stories. Which stories would YOU like to see in animated form? And […]
Look… Up In The Sky!
Posted: 6th November 2012 by J. Marcus in Comic Books, The Comic SpinnerTags: Action Comics, Al Plastino, Bob McCloed, Brett Breeding, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Dan Jurgens, DC Comics, Denny O'Neill, Dick Sprang, George Perez, Jerry Ordway, John Byrne, Karl Kessel, Kerry Gammill, Roger Stern, Superman, The New 52, Wayne Boring
This edition of “The Comic Spinner” is guest-written by the Podwits’ own J. Marcus. Please feel free to forward all your complaints to him! With all the on-and-on I have been doing this past year on, Brian has been kind enough to ask me to answer a simple question regarding my favorite comic book […]
DC Comics Raped My Childhood!
Posted: 7th September 2012 by J. Marcus in Comic Books, Up on The Soap BoxTags: 52, Batman, Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC Comics, Flashpoint, Green Lantern, Infinite Crisis, Jason Todd, John Byrne, Parallax, Supergirl, Superman, The Flash, The New 52, Wally West, Wonder Woman, Zero Hour
OK… actually, no it didn’t. No more than George Lucas did. What DC did do, however, was give false hope and then completely piss all over everything I ever knew and loved about DC Comics.
These Island Earths
Posted: 11th August 2012 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: Batman, Calvin And Hobbes, DC Comics, Earth One, Frank Miller, Frank Welker, Garfield, Ghostbusters, Heathcliff, Kevin Bacon, Lorenzo Music, Marvel Comics, Spider-Man, Superman, The Farside, The Flash, The New 52, The Smurfs, Year One
This week the lads regroup after Dion’s trip to 1974 and discuss cartoon characters in their various incarnations from comic strip to small screen, and then try to discern, for the layman, the many (and questionable) reboots of the Marvel and DC worlds, while at the same time trying to keep their own sanity. Earth […]