Posts Tagged ‘Superman Returns’

This week Dion and J. jump right into it! The boys discuss Quentin Tarantino’s dismay over the leaking of his new script, The Hateful Eight; the James Bond 50th anniversary Box Set and it’s extras; the exciting news that the 1966 Batman TV series will FINALLY get a proper DVD release; and a dissection of J’s Side Cast with […]

…in which Brian thinks this editorial makes some good points about serialized storytelling, J is outraged over the need for this website, and Dion wants everyone to take the Podwits Challenge! Yep, the ‘Wits got issues, and conspiracy theories, and neuroses to spare. You can’t beat ’em, so come join ’em in this latest Podwits Podcast! […]

With Dion under deep cover, J and Brian are back on the mic, digging into the realities (such as they are) of Warner Bros. rumored Justice League movie, the possibilities of convention-going, and the thank-Goddities of the long-lost non-existent sequel to E.T.  We’re getting our verbal hijinks on!

With all the buzz surrounding Zack Snyder’s new Superman film “The Man of Steel”, it’s almost amazing that we haven’t seen any actual footage yet.  The excitement from the studio seems almost palpable.  The first still of Henry Cavill as Superman hit the net and polarized the audience.  Half of the public felt at long […]