Are you watching the new FOX drama Gotham? The Podwits are! J. and Brian are here to talk about the show, how its timeline jibes (or doesn’t) with what we already know about the Batman and his mythos, and how they’re enjoying the dramatic proceedings. Add in a (speedy) left turn into both the televised and […]
Posts Tagged ‘Mark Waid’
Behind the Big “S”
Posted: 13th July 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, PodcastTags: Clark Kent, Grant Morrison, John Byrne, Mark Millar, Mark Waid, Superman, Tom Peyer
J. and Brian are digging into the Superman mythos in this week’s episode—see, when Brian read about the abortive Superman revamp attempt from 2000, and e-mailed J. about it, well, that got J. all fired up, and his explanation of why starts a Podwits-style look into the hows and wherefores of Superman and the many […]
We Swear It’s Not What You Think!
Posted: 11th January 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Comic Books, Doctor Who, PodcastTags: Amazing Spider-Man 2, BBC, Big Finish, DC Comics, Doctor Who, Image Comics, Mark Waid, Marvel Comics, Paul McGann, Peter David, Peter Davison, Steven Moffatt, The Incredible Hulk, Tom Baker
Dion is out this week, which means that J steers the TARDIS back to “Doctor Who” again for the appendix to our Year In Rev-Who… But fear not… as the title says, “it’s not what you think!” After just a few moments, the crisis is averted and other topics abound! Why is J. hating on […]