Posts Tagged ‘The Real Ghostbusters’

The Podwits themselves are god-knows-where, celebrating whatever bizarre holidays that get celebrated ’round this time of year in Podwits-land. It’s probably best we don’t ask too many questions about that. But while they’re away, here for your holiday listening enjoyment is one of our favorite podcasts from the past, our second cartoon special from February […]

The Podwits are at it again and this week are pulling out all the stops! They chat about Alamo Drafthouse, buying educational lectures online, brewing your own beer, Halloween favorites, getting a tattoo, and- anal prolapse (does it always lead to porn?!). Come have a listen to what we’re serving for you this week!     Footnotes: Find […]

Dion and J. Blake are back for another exciting addition of the Podwits’ Side Cast. Todays topic is toys from our childhood. A subject often visited in the Podwits podcast, this time around the duo laments about the various toys they played with in their youth. Dion explains his paradox growing up that was imposed on him by […]

The boys are back with another special edition of The Podwits Podcast. This week it’s part two of our cartoons special, focusing on the changing era of animation from the 1960-90’s. This time around they chat about all the old cartoons they grew up with and loved as children. Come take a stroll down Memory Lane to […]

Dion and J. dive back into the Toybox to rediscover the playthings of our youth.  From Mego to MacFarlane, Turtles to Terminator, we leave no plastic stone unturned.