Posts Tagged ‘Army of Darkness’

Dion and contributor J. Blake are back for an all new, exciting episode of The Podwits’ Side Cast! The topic today is the man, the myth, the legend…. Bruce Campbell; and all things Mr. Campbell! The boys get into the nitty-gritty and talk about his mainstream successes like The Evil Dead and Burn Notice, but also get into some […]

Dion and J. Blake are back for another exciting, hair-raising, and mind-blowing Side-Cast! This go around, the boys tackle the  plot device known as time travel. They chat about their favorite films that revolve around going back or forth in time, the paradoxes some of the movies lay out, and highlight some screen gems that […]

What can I say about Bruce Campbell that has not been already said? The man is loved and revered. He’s a living legend in the world of cult and “B” cinema and best of all… he is a good dude, a fact that I can personally vouch for. A couple of weeks ago, I shot […]