I have very fond memories of playing with my G.I. Joe’s and Construx on the carpet in the living room of my parent’s old New Haven home -their rug I now recall as an imagery world, that would encompass the area from under the bay window where lived in front a massive 16″ Quasar cabinet television, to the large wooden coffee table […]
Posts Tagged ‘Flesh and Fire’
Georges Arnaud’s Wages of Fear
Posted: 29th May 2014 by Dion in Art, Books, Film, Film Review, History, Podwit ProfileTags: Alfred Hithcock, American Werewolf in London, Chester Himes, Dashiell Hammett, Diabolique, Flesh and Fire, Georges Arnaud, Henri-Georges Clouzot, James M. Cain, Jeff Ryan, Le Salaire de la Peur, Les Diabolique, Mickey Spillane, Nintendo, Norman Dale, Rage, Raymond Chandler, Scarface, Sorcerer, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America, The Boys From Brazil, The Harlem Cycle, The Last Man on Earth, Wages of Fear, William Friedkin