Posts Tagged ‘Jason Statham’

Side Casts: The Action Movie Genre

Posted: 3rd July 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, Side-Casts
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Dion and Contributor J. Blake are back at it again, this time they sit down for a super-long chat about one of their favorite topics, the heyday of the Action Movie Genre. The two Podwits reminisce about some of their favorite films, while mapping out a route through a highly populated neighborhood of the 1970s, 1980s and […]

by Luke Whitmire I’ll be honest: Expendables 2 is a shoddy and lazy film with careless acting, clumsy story structure, cheesy dialogue, and awful CGI. This film truly is a nonsensical and emotional detached opus that redundantly serves up an untrammeled mess of exaggerated carnage. Elementary filmmaking at its worst. Sylvester Stallone structures this sequel […]