Dion and Brian are bringing knowledge to the table and dropping it all over each other — Brian’s hepped up on the tragically short-lived 2008 ABC Family series The Middleman, and Dion’s commemorating the 100th birthday of Lady Day herself, Billie Holiday. And along the way, you’ll hear about some groovy old pirate and Biblical […]
Posts Tagged ‘Black Dynamite’
The Podwits Information Exchange
Posted: 13th April 2015 by Podwits Administrator in PodcastTags: ABC Family, Ben Hur, Billie Holiday, Black Dynamite, Blaxploitation, Bob Hope, Cleopatra, Elizabeth Taylor, Geoffrey Lewis, Hero for Hire, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Lester Young, Luke Cage, Richard Burton, Robert Z'Dar, Strange Fruit, Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song, The Middleman, The Princess and the Pirate, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
“Drama is Universal, Comedy is Personal”
Posted: 29th March 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Celebrities, Film, Film Review, History, Literature, News, Podcast, TelevisionTags: A Fish Called Wanda, A Philadelphia Story, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arsenic and Old Lace, Black Dynamite, Burt Reynolds, Caddyshack, Cary Grant, Comicbooks, Dr. Strangelove, Four-Color Fanboys, Galaxy Quest, Ghostbusters, Hercules in New York, His Girl Friday, Humphrey Bogart, Ireland, Ivan Reitman, Jack Benny, Jackie Gleason, Little Feat, Max Headroom, Mr. Moto, Mr. Moto takes a Vacation, My Cousin Vinny, Napoleon Dynamite, Noah, Peter Lorre, Ralph Bellamy, Roddy Doyle, Sabotage, Smokey and the Bandit, Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kurbrick, Stephen D Youngkin, Stripes, Terminator, Terminator: Genesis, The Big Lebowski, The Blues Brothers, The Commitments, The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Lego Movie, The Long Goodbye, The Lost One, The Muppet Movie, The Passion of the Christ, The Robe, The Sandlot, Vincent Price
…His name was Laszlo Lowenstein… In this brand-spankin’ new edition of The Podwits Podcast, the boys are talking movies, and more specifically, their favorite comedies. What do they find funny? What do they think (in their HUMBLE opinion) was a miss? And what the heck is up with Arnold Schwarzenegger giving away spoilers for all his […]