Posts Tagged ‘Prometheus’

As the Podwits near their 100th (!) podcast, we thought it’d be fun to look back at one of our favorites of the 1st 99. Enjoy this blast from the past! [Originally released on June 2, 2012] Now that the three wits-of-the-pod have finally seen The Avengers film (Dion!), this week the gang tackles the long-debated question: “who the […]

On behalf of everyone at AM 331, welcome to yet another fun-filled adventure with The Podwits!  This week’s episode is special because it’s not only a look back at the that old-timey invention called radio, but the podcast itself is being examined by top men… TOP…. MEN…   So to those and to our brand-spanking […]

The Podwits reconvene and have a heart-to-heart-to-heart, and much backstory is learned before they discuss the merits of the “mundane science fiction” movement (or lack thereof), the recent actions of fantasy novelist Terry Goodkind, and whether Doctor Who did Prometheus before Prometheus did. Surprising revelations abound in this Podwits Podcast!

J, Dion, and Bigboy Fantasypants reminisce about all the books they did (and didn’t!) read back when they were in school, debate the merits of letting those darn kids use Facebook, and Bigboy accidentally insults all evolutionary biologists everywhere. This week’s Podwits Podcast—it’s bigger on the inside!

Well, people, after an almost-15-year boycott of seeing new films on opening day (Sex and the City 2 doesn’t count because I was dragged to the cinema by the fiancée), I went to see Prometheus last night and boy, was I impressed. Talking about a film for the rest of the night is proof for me that […]

Now that the three wits-of-the-pod have finally seen The Avengers film (Dion!), this week the gang tackles the long-debated question: “who the heck is going to pay for all this (damage) when a superhero battle lays waste to an entire city?!?!” The pros and cons are debated, the lads discuss the Prometheus trailer and the […]