In this episode: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the Quaid Brothers ouevre, deeply personal movies (like Frequency and Zack and Miri Make a Porno) and Saturday Night Live all get the one of a kind Podwits treatment! Another week, another fine collection of trivia, hijinks and non-sequiturs is yours, courtesy of Dion, J. and Brian!
Posts Tagged ‘Steven Spielberg’
Pre-Recorded! Somewhere NEAR New York!
Posted: 8th February 2015 by Podwits Administrator in UncategorizedTags: AKA Jessica Jones, Charles Rocket, David Tennant, Dennis Quaid, Dreamscape, Frequency, Henry Fonda, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Jerry Goldsmith, Kate Capshaw, Kathleen Turner, Killgrave, Max Headroom, Meg Ryan, Michael J. Fox, Minstrel shows, Neil Cavuto, Precious, PS General Slocum, Purple Man, Randy Quaid, Rescue Me, Rob Roy, Robert Wise, Robin Williams, Saturday Night Live, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Steven Spielberg, Svengoolie, Undercover Blues, Vacation, Your World, Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Side-Cast: Horror Remakes Part 2
Posted: 30th October 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Film Review, Podcast, Side-CastsTags: Betty Davis, Black Christmas, Bruce Campbell, Cape Fear, Carrie, Dawn of the Dead, Devil's Rain, Disney, Elijah Wood, Ennio Morricone,, Frankenstein, Fright Night, Gregory Peck, Howard Hawks, I Am Legend, Invaders From Mars, Irreversible, Joe Spinell, John Carpenter, John Frankenheimer, Ju-on, Julianne Moore, Let Me In, Let the Right One In, Maniac, Martyrs, Michael Mann, Mirrors, Mystery of the Wax Museum, Nightmare on Elm Street, Nightshift, Omega Man, Piranha, Piranha 3D, Piranha 3DD, Poltergeist, Psycho, Ray Harryhausen, Richard Matheson, Sam Raimi, Scarface, Scream Factory, Shelley Long, Shutter, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Steven Spielberg, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, The Amityville Horror, The Astronaut's Wife, The Black Hole, The Blob, The Cat People, The Devil and Max Devin, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead II, The Exorcist, The Eye, The Fly, The Fog, The Grudge, The House of Wax, The Last Man on Earth, The Manchurian Candidate, The Mummy, The Omen, The Orphanage, The Ring, The Thing, The Thing From Another World, The Toolbox Murders, The Watcher in the Woods, The Wolfman, Tobe Hooper, Troll Hunter, Vincent Price, World War Z
Continuing to celebrate the festive Halloween season, Dion and contributor J. Blake are back with part two of their hugely insightful Side Cast on Horror Movie Remakes. They jump right back into the in’s and out’s of the genre, and see how their favorite modern intrepretations stack up to the classics and why. So grab a pen and paper (or you dang […]
Straight From The Hippie-Dippy!
Posted: 1st June 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags: A Knight's Tale, Alan Tudyk, Bill Cosby, Creation Entertainment, George Lucas, Guy Williams, Heather Graham, I Spy, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, June Lockhart, Leonard Nimoy, Liberace, Lost in Space, Lynda Carter, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Robert Culp, Shia LeBouf, Star Trek, Steven Spielberg, The Great Vegetable Rebellion, The Promised Planet, Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil, Twitter
5…4…3…2…1… Blast-0ff with The Podwits as they take another flight of fancy through pop culture, through your ears, beyond nostalgia and landing at the soft, chewy bit that is the pleasure center of your brain! This week J and Dion have to go it alone against such powerful forces as hippy villains and wax nostalgic […]
Of Podcast Bondage
Posted: 20th October 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Film, PodcastTags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Blade Runner, Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, Duck Tales, James Cameron, Marx Brothers, Peta, Pokemon, Predator, Prometheus, Radio, Ridley Scott, Scrooge McDuck, Stanley Kubrick, Steven Seagal, Steven Spielberg, Tale Spin, Terminator, Twilight Zone
On behalf of everyone at AM 331, welcome to yet another fun-filled adventure with The Podwits! This week’s episode is special because it’s not only a look back at the that old-timey invention called radio, but the podcast itself is being examined by top men… TOP…. MEN… So to those and to our brand-spanking […]
Brian Shot First
Posted: 19th May 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags: Ernest Borgnine, Firefly, George Lucas, Indiana Jones, Joss Whedon, Serenity, Star Wars, Steven Spielberg, The Avengers
It’s time once again for some Podwits goodness, straight from our mouths to your ears (in a not so disgusting kinda way). This week Dion and J. debate whether or not George Lucas or Shia LaBeouf is the root of all evil and heap lots of gooey praise on the the one and only Joss […]
The Bum Rap The Adventures of Tintin Received
Posted: 13th April 2012 by Dion in Film, Film Review, NewsTags: Adventures of Tintin, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Indiana Jones, Jamie Bell, Mackenzie Crook, Motion Capture, Nick Frost, Peter Jackson, Robert Rodriguez, Robert Zemeckis, Simon Pegg, Sin City, Steven Spielberg, Tintin, Toby Jones
This week I finally had the pleasure of watching the screen adaptation of Herge’s The Adventures of Tintin, and I really can’t believe how much I enjoyed it. I’d been waiting for it to be released for over a year-and-a-half, after hearing the exciting news that Steven Spielberg would helm the project, teaming up with […]