Posts Tagged ‘The Fog’

Continuing to celebrate the festive Halloween season, Dion and contributor J. Blake are back with part two of their hugely insightful Side Cast on Horror Movie Remakes. They jump right back into the in’s and out’s of the genre, and see how their favorite modern intrepretations stack up to the classics and why. So grab a pen and paper (or you dang […]

J, Brian and Dion cover a lot of ground this week, jumping from their love of anything Bruce Campbell, to (of all things!) sports films, and then round out the talk with a spirited debate on horror films. Are we out of our comfort zones this week? Has Dion ever seen a single sports film? […]

It’s interesting what images stay with you from childhood, still crisp as the day they were viewed. I know like most kids growing up, in what sadly seems already like another time, I was exposed to a lot of television and film at a very early age, which made me into what I am today […]