In this very, very, very special episode of The Podwits Podcast the boys talk about seeing ‘horror’ in their youth, and more specifically, horrifying images in places that you wouldn’t normally expect to see it- like in Disney movies or on the BBC via PBS in America… (and what the heck was up with Disney’s dark side […]
Posts Tagged ‘mary whitehouse’
Looking for Blood in All the Wrong Places
Posted: 19th July 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Film, Film Review, Podcast, Science Fiction, TelevisionTags: American Werewolf in London, Anthony Perkins, Bill Cosby, Cinefantastique, Disney, Doctor Who, Elliott Gould, G.I.Joe, G.I.Joe the Movie, Harrison Ellenshaw, henry wertham, Horror, John Barry, John Campbell, John Landis, mary whitehouse, Maximilian Schell, Pete Seeger, Peter Ellenshaw, Pyramids of Mars, Richard Matheson, Secret of Nimh, SNL, Star Wars, The Black Hole, The Devil and Max, The Horror of Fang Rock, The Last Man on Earth, The Neverending Story, The Thing, The Transformers, The Transformers the Movie, Tom Baker, Vincent Price, Westworld, Who Goes There?