Posts Tagged ‘Miles Davis’

The boys are cookin’ and steamin’ this morning! They first jump into their love for Preservation Hall in New Orleans, which leads into a very spirited discussion of their love of all things Jazz. They chat about their favorite jazz musicians, jazz albums, and even give off-the-cuff 5 jazz picks for anyone wanting to get into the genre. Dion […]

I love live jazz recordings. So much of jazz happens in the moment, as musicians bounce improvised ideas off each other and, in the best circumstances, push each other collaboratively to ever greater heights of creativity and expression. The way that a live record can capture that moment, preserve those extemporaneous musical thoughts for all […]

In this week’s episode our three heroes parry opinions about what is now banned in New York City elementary schools; The Land of Oz; Miles Davis and performer’s contract stipulations. They weight in on lengthy comic book legal battles,  comic-book reboots, and the Borgninian Moment of the Week, before they realize it is their 25th […]