Posts Tagged ‘Oscars’

Review by Luke Whitmire Twenty five years ago in the genesis of her career, a young Kathryn Bigelow was a protege to a high caliber filmmaker (James Cameron), and she soon became a great visionary for directing big-budget action films. She started her career as a filmmaker whose work consisted only in the artifice realm. […]

I don’t care for the Oscars whatsoever, but I was lucky enough to catch the presentation of the Governor’s Awards, and saw that make-up legend Dick Smith was being honored with a lifetime achievement award. That got me thinking of when I was in college, and how a friend and I were able to get him […]

In this week’s installment, Lincoln, Blinkin and Nod wish a very happy birthday to our own patron saint of Hollywood, Mr. Ernest Borgnine, throw around some Oscar nominees, check out some alternate-universe movie posters, discuss Disney facial hair and the Year in Re-VWho podcast special. Time Lords, get your scarves and sonic screwdriver-swiss army knives […]