The Podwits proudly introduce their new resident movie reviewer extraordinaire, Luke Whitmire, who will be providing us with his unique take on new films. Thank you Brotha Luke! SPOILER ALERT!!! I LOVE THIS FILM IMMENSELY! The best in the series! Well, the political pundits on both sides have been bickering back and forth about the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Tom Hardy’
BATMAN “RISES” with Hypersonic Tension!!!
Posted: 16th August 2012 by Podwits Administrator in Film ReviewTags: Anne Hathaway, Batman, Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, Luke Whitmire, Michael Caine, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Tom Hardy
The Dark Knight Rises comes to NYC!!!
Posted: 9th November 2011 by Dion in NewsTags: Anne Hathaway, Bane, Batman, Catwoman, Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Marion Cotillard, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, The Dark Knight Rises, Tom Hardy
Filming for the new installment of the Batman franchise, The Dark Knight Rises landed in New York City on 5 Ave last week and turned Trump Towers into “Wayne Enterprises”.