The Podwits are in the weeds this week- literally! After debating the merits of preservatives, the boys go on about hunting, camping, DIY home projects, and doing manly things to help reinforce their fragile egos and prove they are still in fact MEN! Keep their fire going and download the podcast today! Footnotes: 1970’s Las Vegas Home bomb […]
Posts Tagged ‘Friday the 13th The Series’
The Podwits Pocket guide to Camping and Fishing
Posted: 7th June 2014 by Podwits Administrator in A Case of the Munchies, Art, Books, Celebrities, Electronics, Film, Film Review, Food, Games, History, Housekeeping, Literature, News, Podcast, Technology, Television, Up on The Soap BoxTags: camping, Coleman, Disasters, DIY Projects, Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th The Series, H.P. Lovecraft, Herbert West–Reanimator, hunting, McDonalds, Preppers, science, The Dark Side, The Reanimator, The Walking Dead