This installment of the Podwits’ Side Cast find Dion and J. Blake on location at New York City’s famous Manganaro’s Hero Boy on the Westside for a lunch break while they attend this year’s 4th Annual Comic Book Marketplace Convention. The boys discuss collecting original comic book and cartoon art, the allure of small conventions as opposed to the clusterfunk known […]
Posts Tagged ‘Fangoria’
Side-Cast: Epic Battles: Comic Conventions Over Heroes
Posted: 5th March 2014 by Podwits Administrator in Art, Cartoons, Celebrities, Comic Books, Podcast, Side-Casts, UncategorizedTags: Al Roker, Alex Ross, Animaniacs, Batman, Bill Melendez, Bob Kane, Bob Singer, Bruce Lee, Bugs Bunny, Chubby Checker, Chuck Berry, Chuck Jones, Comic Art, Comic Con, Comicbook Market place, Dick Van Dyke, Don Knotts, Dr. Suess, Fangoria, Frank Frazetta, George Perez, Herb Trimpe, Hero Boy, Jerry Reed, Jim Steranko, Joe Sinnott, John Byrne, John Romita Sr, Ken Bald, Laurel and Hardy, Mama Cass, Manganaro's Hero Boy, Mark Millar, Mark Texeira, Meadowlark Lemon, Neil Adams, Roddy Pipper, Scatman Crothers, Scooby Doo, Scooby Doo Movies, Scott Baio, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Snoopy, Spiderman, Stan Lee, Superman, The Green Hornet, The Harlem Globetrotters, The Peanuts, The Punisher, The Shadow, The Three Stooges, Wolverine
Side-Casts: The Decline of the Horror Convention, Part II, Vol. II: Fulci Lives!
Posted: 8th May 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, Side-CastsTags: Billy Drago, Chiller Theater, City of the Living Dead, Clint Eastwood, Comic Con, Dario Argento, Demonia, Fangoria, Gates of Hell, George Takei, Goblin, Horror, Horror Convention, House by the Cemetery, Jeffery Combs, John Saxon, Kill Bill, Lifeforce, Lucio Fulci, New Goblin, New York Ripper, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Steam Punk, Susperia, The Beyond, Tobe Hooper, Tom Savini, VHS
In the 3rd and final installment of this special edition of the new Podwits podcast, The Side-Cast, Dion and contributor J. Blake wrap up their discussion of the sad decline of the popular Horror Conventions from what they once were, and focus in on Italian Horror director Lucio Fulci‘s famous career and the impact it has […]

Side-Casts: The Decline of the Horror Convention Part 1
Posted: 17th April 2013 by Podwits Administrator in Podcast, Side-CastsTags: 52 Pick Up, Anchor Bay, Andrew Divoff, Blue Underground, Burt Reynolds, Casino, Chiller Theater, Dario Argento, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Ed Begley Jr., Elijah Wood, Fangoria, Friday the 13th, George C Scott, George Romero, Hardcore, Harvey Keital, Horror Conventions, Inherit the Wind, Jake LaMotta, Joe Bob Briggs, Joe Spinell, John Glover, Kane Hodder, Knightriders, Leon, Lucio Fulci, Maniac, Martin, Martin Scorsese, Monster Vision, Night of the Living Dead, Peter Boyle, Raging Bull, Randy Jurgensen, Shamus, Sherman Howard, Side-Cast, Sidecast, Tales From the Crypt, The Professional, The Warriors, Tom Savini, Toy Soldiers, Two Evil Eyes, Walter Hill, William Lustig, William Sadler, Wishmaster
Dion debuts The Podwits’ brand new spin-off, called Side-Casts; a series of podcasts that will be done with various contributors, by various Podwits members. In Part 1 of Dion’s 3-part debut special, he and contributor J. Blake discuss the decade-long decline of horror conventions, and also reminisce about various legendary, but seldom-seen masterpieces (most horror, but others skirt the line) that […]