Posts Tagged ‘Day of the Dead’

With the success of their last Halloween themed Side Cast and posting on Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers where J.Blake and Dion Baia recommend some horror films they both feel may have fallen through the cracks or have been overlooked, the boys meet back at the Podwits studios to record a quick cast about the zombie genre. […]

‘Tis the season of witches, ghosts and goblins, and the Podwits are full of the Halloween spirit! Contributor J. Blake and Dion sit down in this edition of the Side Cast to discuss their favorite remakes in the horror film genre! They get into the nuts and bolts and see how their faves stack up […]

Dion and contributor J. Blake are back for another edition of the Podwits’  Side Cast. This time they take on a very weighty topic in the lore of cinema, the Post-Apocalyptic film. Believe it or not, a lot more movies than you may think end up inhabiting this horror/sci-fi/fantasy genre, and you may be surprised what Dion […]

In 2005, David Cronenberg‘s  A History of Violence, marked the last time a film saw a mainstream VHS release. Along with the overwhelming popularity of companies like Netflix and Redbox, these mailbox and streaming entertainment services virtually spelled the end to the 25 year-old industry known as the video store, and only a handful of small, “Mom & Pop” stores […]

Dion debuts The Podwits’  brand new spin-off, called Side-Casts; a series of podcasts that will be done with various contributors, by various Podwits members. In Part 1 of Dion’s 3-part debut special, he and contributor  J. Blake discuss the decade-long decline of  horror conventions, and also reminisce about various legendary, but seldom-seen masterpieces (most horror, but others skirt the line) that […]

“When Hell is full, the Dead will walk the Earth…” Brian and Dion take a stab at season 3 of The Walking Dead, and discuss the highlights of the prior two seasons, as well as its comic book origins. Get you zombie bug-out bag ready and make sure the SUV is gassed up, because the […]

Crotchety old Dion brings up his issues with television story arcs, ultra-violence on the small screen and then parlays with J and Brian about art in cinema. Is Film dead (to borrow from the late 1960’s adage about Rock)? Come take a listen as the boys beat the old man back into submission and stick him […]