Posts Tagged ‘Martin Scorsese’

The Podwits were saddened to learn that Oscar-winning make-up icon Dick Smith, who defined generations with his pioneering makeup effects, passed away July 30th at age 92. Before CGI was common place, Smith practically invented techniques that are still used to this day, and is credited by Special Effects legends like Rick Baker and Tom Savini in spearheading where Universal Studios […]

Dion debuts The Podwits’  brand new spin-off, called Side-Casts; a series of podcasts that will be done with various contributors, by various Podwits members. In Part 1 of Dion’s 3-part debut special, he and contributor  J. Blake discuss the decade-long decline of  horror conventions, and also reminisce about various legendary, but seldom-seen masterpieces (most horror, but others skirt the line) that […]

With Halloween just around the corner, my wife and I are starting our annual horror festival, where we watch a bunch of scary movies to usher in October 31st (we tend to do this for a lot of the holidays, which can be a boat-load of fun!). But this got me thinking- there are a ton, and […]

by Luke Whitmire Anyone who loves the medium of filmmaking will love the compendious rhapsodizing on film vs digital technology in Side by Side. This docu examines the intrinsically fascinating technical specifications of the two formats that have dynamically altered the way we view and interpret art on screen. Over the last ten years, the […]